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英语短文 (我的周末)

日期:2020-09-03 10:02:39

(1)Today was weekend.(2)I can go out and play with my friends.(3)I had a good time. (4)In the evening,I have a delicious dinner. (5)Today was a nice day. 五句话,希望能够帮到你,如满意请采纳,谢谢。

My Sunday
Today is sunday ,I get up early because I want to play sports .I wear my T-shirt and my shorts.Then I go to the playground to play ping-pong with Peter.We are happy .After that ,we eat breadfast .I like drinking milk but he likes drinking juice .At 10:00,I practise playing the chess with my father .Then I eat lunch at 12:00.I will go to study English in the afternoon.Before I go to bed ,I can watch TV with my parents.
This is my Sunday ,I am really very happy .
i went to supermarket with my friends last Saturday noon.we went to someplace to play.we went home at 5pm. i held my mother cooked the dinner.we cooked good meals.we were happy.

I have many things to do on my weekends. I get up early in the morning to do exercises in the park with my grandparents.Then my mum takes me to do some interesting things. We can read in the library, go shopping in the shops and play badminton in the garden. We will have a big supper in KFC and i like it very much. At nights, i will prepare to go to school, have a shower and go to sleep early. How happy i am!



  • 英语短文 (我的周末)

    (1)Today was weekend.(2)I can go out and play with my friends.(3)I had a good time. (4)In the evening,I have a delicious dinner. (5)Today was a nice d


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