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日期:2020-09-02 01:01:34

简介 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was directed by New Zealander Andrew Adamson and was shot mainly in New Zealand, though locations were used in Poland, the Czech Republic and England.The story follows four British children who are evacuated during the Blitz to the countryside and find a wardrobe that leads to the fantasy world of Narnia; there, they must ally with the Lion Aslan against the forces of the White Witch, who has the world under an eternal winter. 经典语句 -Some journeys take us far from home. Some adventures lead us to our destiny.-There are many stories of Narnia. The first is about to be told.-The White Witch Cometh-Aslan Is On The Move-The beloved masterpiece comes to life December 9-Evil Has Reigned For 100 Years... 影评 It was released on December 9, 2005 in both Europe and North America to positive reviews and was highly successful at the box office. It won the 2005 Academy Award for Best Make Up and various other awards, and is the first of what will be a series of films based on the books. An Extended Edition was released on December 12, 2006 and was only made available on DVD until January 31, 2007. It was the best selling DVD in North America in 2006 taking in $332.7 million that year. Positive Reviews (好的影评) -Roger Ebert gave the film 3 out of 4 stars. -Ebert and Roeper gave the movie "Two Thumbs Up". -Movie critic Leonard Maltin gave the film 3 out of four stars, calling it, "an impressive and worthwhile family film," though he also said, "it does go on a bit and the special effects are extremely variable."-Stuart Klawans of The Nation said, "All ticket buyers will get their money's worth."-Elizabeth Weitzman of New York Daily News gave it 4 out of 4 stars and said: "A generation-spanning journey that feels both comfortingly familiar and excitingly original." Negative reviews ( 不好的影评) -John Anderson from Newsday stated that: "There's a deliberateness, a fastidiousness and a lack of daring and vision that marks the entire operation." -Cynthia Fuchs from PopMatters wrote: "The children's indoctrination seems less charming. They are warriors, drawn into killing and a general faith in militarism, into the sense that wars might solve problems, or at the least, beat them into submission. 简介是原创的,至于影评还有经典语句,都需要一点资料,所以不是100%原创的。 希望帮忙到楼主~

The film is talking about a magical story in England during the world warⅡ. In order to avoid(躲避) the war, the four siblings(四兄妹)of Pevensie family , were evacuated(疏散)to an eccentric(古怪) professor's villa(别墅)in the countryside. In this villa,they found a magical world—Narnia,in a magical wardrobe.
Once there,the siblings discover a charming, once peaceful land inhabited(居住) by talking beasts, dwarfs(小矮人), fauns(半羊人), centaurs(人马) and giants but no human that has been turned into a world of eternal winter by the evil White Witch.
There have been an ancient prophecy(预言) in Narnia: One day, when four human sit at Cair Paravel in throne(凯尔帕拉维尔城堡的王座), the evil time will be gone forever. So, the siblings lead Narnia into a spectacular(壮观)battle to be free of the Witch’s glacial powers forever.
After the battle, the siblings become the kings and queens of Narnia for over 14 years. One day, They unexpectedly(意外地) returned to England from the wardrobe. But when they come back to England, they found this magical journey was only spent a few seconds in our world.
Although the film is adapted(改编自)from the fairy tale(童话), the film continues to be a great success. <The Chronicles Of Narnia Ⅰ> in the world was 7.3 billion box office(在全球获得了高达7.3亿的票房收入). It has also won the Academy Award(奥斯卡奖)for best make- up(最佳化妆奖)and three nominations(提名). It has gone beyond the <King Kong>, <The Lord of the Rings>and other large(已经超越了《金刚》、《魔戒》等大片).
I’m Narnia’s big fan. In my opnion, the most attractive places of <The Chronicles of NarniaⅠ> is shown by its family(亲情), responsibility, momentum(气势) and effects production. I think this movie is suitable for any person to view. So, I would like to recommend this film to all of you. I believe that most of you will love this film.
1.P:你愿意和我并肩作战吗? Are you with me ?
O:至死不渝! To the death.
2.A:美丽的东部海洋, To the glisttening Eastern Sea,
我赐予你露西女王, i give you Queen Lucy,
勇敢的化身。 the Valiant.
伟大的西部森林, To the great Western Wood,
我赐予你爱德蒙国王 King Edmund,
公正的化身。 the Just.
耀眼的南部骄阳, To the radiant Southern Sun,
我赐予你苏姗女王, Queen Susan,
温柔的化身。 the Gentle.
象征着晴朗的北部天际And to the clear Northern Sky,
我赐予你彼得至尊王,I give you High King Peter,
伟大的化身! the magnificent!
3.A:在纳尼亚一日为王, Once a King or Queen of Narnia,
终身为王。 always a King or Queen.
请你们领导着我们, May your wiedom grace us,
直到满天繁星坠落。 until the star rain down from the heavens.
4.B:彼得说快离开这儿! Peter said get out of here!
E:彼得还不是国王! Peter's not king yet!
5.P:如果他在叫我们快一点If he tells us hurry one more time,
i'm gonna turn him into a big,fluffy hat!
6.P:太远了…… It's so far……
B:亲爱的,这可是个世界! It's the world,dear!
你认为一个世界会小吗?Did you expect it to be small?
S:是小了点(蔑视)。 Smaller.
Peter,there is a deep magic
比我们任何一个都要强大 more powerful than any of us
它统治着纳尼亚的一切 that rules over all of Narnia.
它决定着事物的是是非非 It defines right from wrong
and governs all our destinies.
你们的,和我的 Yours,and mine
But I couldn’t even protect my family.
You’ve brought them safely from this far.
P:不是每一个人 Not all of them.
Peter,I will do what I can to help your brother.
but I need you to consider what I ask of you
我也想要我的家人安全 I,also want my family safe.

Are you with me ?
To the death.
当你选择成为别人,你将失去你自己. When you choose to become others, you will lose yourself.
I focus too much on what I lost, not what I have.
You are nothing if you don’t believe!


有人说幸福其实很简单,就是一觉醒来呼吸到的新鲜空气的感觉还... 极度舍不得辞职的同事怎么办 形容玫瑰花的词语有哪些 关于江河湖泊成语 赞扬大象的诗句 母亲节发什么短信好? 关于做人的五个经典句子六十个字以上 成语.谚语 非svip会员怎么设置自定义qq个性名片? 最好是十至十二个字的 求助.送闺蜜的一句话,暖心文艺 对联文学诗词 如何设计教室外面的班级文化专栏 有关团队合作的很美的句子 浩的四字成语有哪些 母亲去世后,想用短信致谢前来吊唁的朋友,该怎么措辞啊,谁能帮... 形容 态度镇定,不慌不忙的成语 有哪些? 基督教圣经金句 描写夏天的诗句有哪些? 步步惊心的经典台词 形容地位高的词语 描写大地的词语有哪些 表示时间短的三字词语 形容雨大的词语有哪些? 天气类的英文单词 曹德旺是个什么样的人? 学习需要什么 《阿甘正传》经典英文台词,加中文解释,至少三十句 关于的关于读书的古诗有什么 祝福爱情长久的成语 找一首关于校园生活的诗歌 迅速可以怎么造句? 流行粤语歌曲大全 形容影响很大,可以用什么成语 关于《三国演义》的歇后语10个 描写心痛时的句子 回忆青春的成语 用什么词来形容现在农村?不是阴森森的吗? 求一阳光,乐观,积极向上网名看着就很温暖的那种谢谢! 适量一次能去掉吗 真的会不会是我被鬼迷心窍了是什么歌 歌词歌 求 报菜名 郭德纲版本的台词 以名人名言写一篇作文500字 用就像……就像……就像……造句? 一二九爱国运动诗歌朗诵 跟春夏秋冬类似的成语 形容颜色淡的词语 L的经典语录 求qq失恋个性签名 关于描写春风的诗句 雅思应该怎么复习 形容外貌好的成语 形容非常黑的成语 含有比喻词的成语有哪些啊,急用 宋代写春的古诗有哪些 那句话怎么说来着 急求下列每个词语的拼音:垂蔓,又细又亮,斑斑驳驳,生意葱茏,... 关于新婚的贺词 童年好词好句摘抄,大概10页,300字,谢谢! 《红星照耀中国》第一章的好词好句赏析 关于贵在坚持的名言警句有哪些? 写古人刻苦学习的成语有哪些? 《一百条裙子》读后感 描写茶馆的诗句有哪些? 直接抒发豪情壮志的诗句? 用那么那么造句,怎么写 英语作文 什么是成功 用“不是……而是……甚至……”造句