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日期:2020-08-31 23:38:19

As long as you`re near
by XXX
The first time we met ,I could see.
That you and I,were meant to be.
Your eyes were so gentle ,your smile so ture.
When you first held ,my hand ,I just know.
Now the time has gone by ,through laughters and tears.
These days I shall cherish,for years and years.
Those memories we have ,shall never fade.
For those are the steps ,that we have made.
That was the post,the future is near.
I anxiously want ,for what will appear.
New homes ,more laughter ,and children so dear.
Everything will be wonderful,as long as you`re near.

You Warm My Heart
Dear Sweetheart,You brought love and laughter to my empty,sad and boring life.My heart had known only emptiness until the day you came and filled my heart to overflowing with your jovial ways.Your sense of humor has turned my frown into a smile.You taught me how to love again,you taught me to give and receive love by trusting in you and believing.You taught me to go the extra mile.And though there are miles between us,I never stop thinking of you,you have brought a change into my life and my heart is forever yours.I can never forget you,or keep thoughts of you out of my mind.I think of your sweet lips and kisses,feel them as if it was yesterday.Thoughts of you warm my heart.You complete me,you are everything my heart desire.Loving You Always,XXX

You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows. This is why I am afraid, because you say that you love me too.”
普通版 你说你喜欢雨,但是下雨的时候你却撑开了伞; 你说你喜欢阳光,但当阳光播撒的时候,你你却躲在阴凉之地; 你说你喜欢风,但清风扑面的时候,你却关上了窗户。 我害怕你对我也是如此之爱。
女汉子版 你有本事爱雨天, 你有本事别打伞啊; 你有本事爱阳光, 你有本事别乘凉啊; 你有本事爱吹风, 你有本事别关窗啊; 你有本事说爱我, 你有本事捡肥皂啊!
文艺版 你说烟雨微芒,兰亭远望;后来轻揽婆娑,深遮霓裳。 你说春光烂漫,绿袖红香;后来内掩西楼,静立卿旁。 你说软风轻拂,醉卧思量;后来紧掩门窗,漫帐成殇。 你说情丝柔肠,如何相忘;我却眼波微转,兀自成霜。
诗经版 子言慕雨,启伞避之。 子言好阳,寻荫拒之。 子言喜风,阖户离之。 子言偕老,吾所畏之。
离骚版 君乐雨兮启伞枝, 君乐昼兮林蔽日, 君乐风兮栏帐起, 君乐吾兮吾心噬。
五言诗版 恋雨偏打伞,爱阳却遮凉。 风来掩窗扉,叶公惊龙王。 片言只语短,相思缱倦长。 郎君说爱我,不敢细思量。
七言绝句版 恋雨却怕绣衣湿,喜日偏向树下倚。 欲风总把绮窗关,叫奴如何心付伊。
吴语版 弄刚欢喜落雨,落雨了么搞布洋塞; 欢喜塔漾么又谱捏色; 欢喜西剥风么又要丫起来; 弄刚欢喜唔么,搓色唔霉头。
七律压轴版 江南三月雨微茫,罗伞叠烟湿幽香。 夏日微醺正可人,却傍佳木趁荫凉。 霜风清和更初霁,轻蹙蛾眉锁朱窗。 怜卿一片相思意,犹恐流年拆鸳鸯。


I know there's an ocean between us,
and I wish that it weren't true,
for every day when I arise,
I yearn to be with you.
Though a lot of distance lies between us,
you'll always be in my mind and my heart,
And every night beneath the stars,
I pray for the day we'll never be part.

Every day I will be thinking about you. When my eyes are closed, when I sing and dance to a love song, when I'm checking my email, I will be thinking about you. When I go to sleep in the loneliness of my room and give in to wonderful dreams I will definitely be thinking about you.

I know someday we will meet and spend our lives with each other. I have waited for someone like you, and now that I have found you I will never let you go. I love you so much, 玥玥!!

Love Always,

Dear ,

We've been friends for so long. There have been lots of tears and so much laughter between us. I feel closer to you than anyone else. I've listened and hurt every time you fell in love, longing to be the one in your arms. I've been there for you when every one of your relationships fell apart. You listened and cried with me when we found out about the cancer and you stood by my side through all of it. Now is the time to tell you that the waiting is over.

The love you so desperately seek is here in my arms. You've often asked why I'm not interested in any of the men who hit on me when we're all out. I've always told you they weren't the one for me. Now I'm telling you that you are the one for me. You’re the one I dream about. No one can make me laugh like you, even when I'm knee deep in tears. The reason I've been alone for five longs years is this: I've been waiting for you to see the love in my eyes that's only for you. I'll wait forever if that’s how long it takes. I need you. I miss you when you’re gone, and I hurt when you’re sad. I love you, Brian, for everything you are.

Love Always,

When I am with you, I feel alive. You bring to me a happiness that no one else ever could. You bring to me a love I have never known before. I could not imagine what my life would be like without you. You have touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend. I love being with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Every day I wake up thanking God for you. You have given me so much, and I don't know if I will be able to give back all that you have given me. You have been my guiding light when I was lost. You have been my comforter through all my trials and sorrow. You have been my rock.

Sometimes I feel lost and out of touch, but when you’re there, I feel safe. Your voice soothes me. I could sit here and try to tell you just how I feel, but I can't find the words other than I am ecstatic we met and have gotten together after all we've gone through.

I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time. I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life, and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together. I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms. I want to wake to your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and sorrows. I want to be your everything, because you are everything to me.

I promise to always love you and always hold you in my heart. I will always be here for you when you need me, and I will love you no matter what life brings us. You are my soul mate, and I vow to love you all eternity. I love you, baby.

If only I could have come up with the right words to describe the depth of this beautiful feeling that I have for you, I would have whispered them to you the first time we met. The best thing that I can do is to show you now.

I love you so much, Sweetie. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are like the best poetry ever composed, the best song ever played, the best picture ever painted. I never thought that someone like me could get so lucky!

I love you more than my life, more than my world. I love you more and more each day and that is the most wonderful feeling any man can ever hope to experience.

Forever Yours,

Honey, you have changed my life completely. You're the one who makes me beautiful. You're the one who makes me strong. You're the one who makes me feel so important; you're everything to me.

You show your love to me every day. I thank God that I have found a man like you. Please forgive me for not giving you enough time to chat with me, but I promise I will make up for it once we are together.

All that I can offer you is a family. I can offer you a family that will stick together through the good and the bad. I can offer you a family that will support each other every day. Honey, that's all I can give...I hope that’s what you want.

I really wish that you were near me. I wish that I could just call your name when I needed you and that you would be there. However, knowing that you love me so much is enough for now, and if I can be your wife and a mother to your children, then I would wait forever to be with you. Ti amo tesoro mio. You're the only one that I want.

Love Always,

From the very first moment I saw you I knew that we were destined to be together. It has been so long since a woman has captured my attention so fully or made my heart beat the way it did that cool day in May. Your smile lights up my entire spirit. Your laughter fills me with joy, and your mere presence will warm any room. I have no doubt you are the woman Heaven has made especially for me.

Thank you for the comfortable conversations and for asking me to be yours. Most importantly, thank you for sharing your love and wanting to make me your husband. No matter how slowly or at what distance our courtship developes, I know standing before God and our future family, vowing to be your partner for life, was the easiest decision I could have ever made.

Each day that passes makes our love for each other grow stronger. Although I know it’s hard for us to be apart, I know there is nothing that can keep us apart forever. Our desires will continue to stretch across any distance, over every mountain and ocean between us. Nothing can stand between us, and nothing will stop me from meeting you.

You are my future and nothing can ever keep us from our destiny. I miss you more every day. I am here with open arms where you will some day finally arrive... right where you belong.

Love Always,

You are the very air that I breathe, the very love that I need, my heart, my soul, my everything. The sweetest of my memories come when I think of you. I remember the very first day that I saw you, I could not believe I was looking at a human being. I pinched myself the hardest one could ever do so as to wake myself up from the drunken stupor I was in. For a moment I believed I was in heaven; I even danced to the music the angels were singing. Upon opening my eyes I realized I was not in heaven but that an angel had come down to earth, just for me.

The music of your voice surpasses that of the greatest orchestra belting out its very best composition. Your skin is softer than the finest satin and glows radiantly illuminating like the sun, setting over a serene pool of crystal clear water. Your eyes dance like mermaids in the sunshine, promulgating the exotic beauty from within your innermost being. Words alone limit me to explaining exactly how I feel about you.

I can say you are the sole comforter to me, the only one who ever took the pain to understand me. You dry every tear that falls down my cheeks. Loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me and I will forever cherish the moments we have spent together.

Every night I dream of heaven, and I'd gotten used to the idea that they are looking for an angel, one that went missing the day you stepped into my life, the day all my sorrows were washed away and I took a step into the impossible, crossing the margin from natural to supernatural. You are my angel and forever you will be. The one whose memories I will treasure forever till the day I turn into an angel like you.

In life, we receive a wonderful opportunity, and that is to love. Love comes in many forms. You love people in different ways and for different reasons, depending upon how they have touched your life. Love is a very powerful word and can describe a multitude of feelings, but its main context carries the same meaning.

I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time. I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together. I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms, only to wake to your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and sorrows. I want to be your everything. You are everything to me.

You are everything I do. You see and bring out the best in me. You are the one I want to share everything with - my thoughts, hopes and dreams. Thinking of you makes my heart feel full. You are such a source of inspiration for me. I will forever be indebted to you for all you have brought to my life. So, to repay you, I promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life....

Love always,

I am writing you this letter in hopes that it will touch your heart. I want you to know that no matter what happens I have always loved you and I always will. I know that we are going through some really hard times right now, and you are doing the best that you can to make good out of a bad situation. I just need to tell you that you are the answer to all of my prayers, and we will make it through this. I need you to see that I am still here. I need to hear that you still love me. I need to feel your arms around me. I need you.

Please tell me you love me. Please come home to me each night. Please try and have room for me and your work.

You should know that I would stick by you through anything by now. I need you to help me out though. I feel like I am dying inside. I love you so much. No matter what happens, never forget that.

Love always,

Dear Baby,

I just wanted to let you know, how much I love all that you are and will be. Without a doubt you keep me together and for the first time in my life I have something to believe in. You truly are my love, my soul mate, and my best friend. You've seen me at my worst and still take me as I am. I thank God for you every day because I know you are heaven sent; you are my angel.

The years will be a test, but nothing will keep me from loving you or from being by your side. I love you more than you could even know. You are my world.

I love you so much,

It has been the most amazing 5 months of my life and I've already done things I have yet to actually realize. We have come a very long way and stuck by each other's side through a lot of pain. You have shown me what its like to love and be loved and that's my happiness. It's all I need to have the most amazing life I can possibly have, and thank you for it.

You've helped me understand a lot of things people don't think I understand or think that I'm allowed to understand which is what is making me a very strong person. I have a lot more respect for love and people who have it. To be mature, you have to be an adult. But to be in love, you have to be nothing but a human being with a heart. That is very much true. No ones parents should prevent their children from falling in love with someone because of their age and it's not allowed. You can't stop love, and you defiantly shouldn't put your own feelings on hold because someone is telling you "You're not allowed to love him because you're too young." I love you and I'm not going to be putting my feelings on hold to wait until my mom thinks its okay to love you. You are everything to me, my life really, and I'm not going to give that up. I can't live without a life.

Honey, you are one of a kind and how people can say the things they do about you is beyond me. I don't understand why people don't see you the way I do. In my eyes, you are the most amazing person. You understand me and care about me more than anyone else has ever even thought about. You are so caring, and wonderful. You're lovely. We have a healthy relationship that is going to last a life time because you and I are willing to work at anything that needs to be worked at. We communicate and even if sometimes it's hard to tell each other are feelings we still understand them when they aren't being talked about. We have that being of singing when we're not talking. We sing love, that song that is stuck in your head and never seems to disappear until you have stopped loving that person. But it never gets boring, never gets old. It has new rhythms every time I see you; it starts over every time I hear you. and it repeats every time I think of you. It's something I've grown too. Something that I adjusted to and I won't ever leave it.

Josh, we are going to make our lives amazing along with someone else's. We are going to have an amazing family and an amazing home to live in. I know now that what we have is so very truer because I can see myself in you. I can see us in you, in your eyes. Those beautiful eyes of yours shine every time you look at me, or our eyes meet. It electrifies me - my whole being. I wrote this letter to you from my heart. From mine to yours. I love you, Honey - forever.

Ever since you came into my life with this heavenly made gift called "LOVE", I have noticed so many changes in my left alone world; you made me believe again that love comes to those who knows and listens to the music of love.

You have touched my life in so many ways like being there for me at a time when all hope was lost. When I was deserted and thought that the world has come to an end, you stood by me all through the rough and tough times. You made me understand that life is all about appreciation and understanding but must be appreciated first before understanding.

I want to make this promise based on the love that you have shown me and the things you have done to keep my hopes alive; Treasure, today, I declare my love for you alone, no one but you and it's from the bottom of my heart. I promise to be there for you in good and bad times because you are worth dying for.

I pray that the Good Lord watch over us till the end of time.

Thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to lean on, for patiently listening to my personal problems. BHaby, I just want you to know how happy am I to have you in my life and I thank God for that. Thank you for the love and the joy you bring. You've changed my life, BHaby.

You're the only boyfriend who gives my heart some excitement and thrills. When I'm with you I feel like I'm out of control! You taught me how to handle life seriously, you taught me how to solve my problems and to face it without any fear... when I'm with you, I feel no fear, not even a single one.

I know that when you say you love me and I admit that I've fallen for you, I know that I wouldn't shed any tears from now on. I love you and that's what I want you to bear in your mind, and it's for keeps.

Yours and only yours,

The first time I heard you say the words, "I love you", it was like I have been taken to Cloud 9 and I haven't gone down until now. Right after you uttered those words I asked myself, "Do I love you?", and as I look for the answer, I again asked: have you given me any reasons not to? No. I then realized that I have already fallen in love with you, and yes ... I am so in love with you, Lloyd!

In the past, I had always yearned for someone to love, to cherish and to take good care of - to whom I would share my dreams with and make them come true. I'd always walked around feeling so empty with a hole in my heart that I thought would never get filled... You filled that hole. I think back to how empty my life was without you, and I am so grateful that you are here. I have found in you what it means to "love." I tell you a million times a day, each day that I love you. Although you reciprocate these feelings, I am sure that you have no inkling of the magnitude of exactly what they mean to me. You can do the slightest thing and it warms me. You may not even realize it. Each day has me falling more in love with you. I love you more and more with each passing day. And it eases me to know that as tomorrow approaches, I will love you more than yesterday and tomorrow will be more than today. You are really God's gift to me ... my answered prayer that I will forever cherish in my heart.

You are the most wonderful, kind, compassionate, romantic, smart, sensible, intelligent, talented, kind-hearted, thoughtful, congenial, affectionate, appreciative, loyal, caring, loving, passionate, handsome and an incredibly sexy man with "killer abs" I have ever met and I thank God everyday that you are mine! I love you with my whole existence, my whole life and nothing in this world can take that away! I love you more than I could ever explain. More than I even understand. You touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend.

I hope today turns out to be the day I wished it to be for you. Today, I'd like to give you this little glass that holds the unrelenting memories of my past that shackles my being. I just have to give this to you and I have to do this for myself, for you, and for us. Today, I give my life to you - my heart, my mind, my body and my soul ... I belong to you now.

This may start sounding like a poem ... I don't know. I just wanted to let you know that you are my heart, my everything, and the other half of my soul, that I love you with everything I have and hold. Now, when I look towards the future, you are always pictured there. Maybe, in this lifetime, you will never know how much I love, care and cherish you. Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead. I can't wait to spend forever with you.

Happy Birthday, Honey! I love you so!

Yours and only yours,

PS i love u

够了吗,选选看吧 都是老美写的,绝对地道


  • 求英文情书大全

    As long as you`re nearby XXXThe first time we met ,I could see.That you and I,were meant to be.Your eyes were so gentle ,your smile so ture.When you f


结婚新郎致辞 形容十分渺小的成语 关于读书的诗古诗 描写好运的句子 然大的四字成语 形容“老师”的诗句有哪些? 爱护花草树木的广告语 有关春天的词语有那些? 有关于国庆节优美的句子,急用!!! 经典美文摘抄及赏析 《三国演义》的好词好句有哪些? 教师节祝福老师的诗句 急……急 形容葡萄的词语有哪些 初中班主任工作总结 含有花和的成语大全 坚持不懈的精神用英文怎么说? 描写心情沉重的语句有什么? 我是五好小公民名言警句 古代人生哲理的名言警句,最好有出自哪 请问下名言警句非常感谢 关于爱国、爱党、爱社会主义的寄语 形容年轻就死的成语 文明礼仪的句子 有没有谁是写自然、生活的小清新的散文? 描写人物品质的格言 学习雷锋好榜样的歌词 关于实践精神的名言警句 急!!!!!名人的励志故事? 求班级口号,霸气搞笑点的,25班 关于激励学习的28个字的古诗 形容“又多又好”的两字词语有什么? 经典搞笑七字对联大全 看图写话三年级上册美丽的冬天 静组词或者成语~~ 《我与地坛》读书笔记 描写英雄气概的词语(20个以上) 同学祝福语大全 电视剧十二生肖里面的插曲爱情不被祝福谁唱的,我想知道,要下载 爱情中最有哲理的一句话是? 悬疑片排行榜前十名有哪些? 请问下为什么别人说我的偶像舒畅不堪入耳的话我为什么想哭不高兴... 赞美祖国诗歌 励志口号四个字 形容声音小成语 历届奥运会吉祥物都有哪些? 形容中国古典优美的词语 谁知道关于相遇和回忆的成语 关于逆境中成功的成语和古诗文句子(古诗文里应用)或名言 关于情感方面的句子 带亚的四字成语 如何选择研究生导师?主要是看他哪方面? 陆游表达“爱国情感”的诗句有哪些? 人生不开心的名句 5 用下面的词造句 有没有关于消防安全主题班会的主持稿啊!!! 广告语谐音大全 形容性格要强的成语 第一个字是如的成语有哪些 短一点的,关于友情的诗歌 秋天的词语100个 神气十足,不动声色,怎么造句 北京租房,能不能租二房东的房? 求黄子华栋笃笑金句 祝爱人一路平安的诗有哪些 描写男子外貌的古诗词 关于环保的古诗,是古诗 描写凄惨的句子 课外书的6句批注不要太长