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日期:2020-08-31 22:15:38

My hometown is a beautiful city like Harbin.
Here four seasons, the famous Central Avenue on the European side of the European style architecture. Gogol street, Zhongshan Road, heavy traffic, prosperity. The Songhua River yourenruzhi. The magic of Sun Island, like a bright pearl shining bright light.
Winter in Harbin is even more beautiful. Snow gleams white. white earth snow. The old Sophia Church in the snow, more beautiful, solemn. Every year the Zhaolin Park ice, is attracting many domestic and overseas ice sculpture enthusiasts, display one's skill to the full.
World ice and snow, ice and snow festival highlights every year. There is the world's tallest building is the longest in the ice, the ice slide, the strange ice hotel...... There is ice world, marine snow, will make you indulge in pleasures without stop.
This is my hometown, I love it, I'm proud of it. Today, I will redouble my efforts to contribute to the brilliant contribution of my hometown!

Harbin is the capital and largest city of Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China, as well as the tenth most populated city in the People's Republic of China. According to the 2010 China census data, the city's urban area has 5,878,939 inhabitants, while the total population of the sub-provincial city is up to 10,635,971. Harbin serves as a key political, economic, scientific, cultural and communications hub in Northeast China.
  Harbin, which is originally a Manchu word meaning "a place for drying fishing nets", grew from a small rural settlement on theSonghua River to become one of the largest cities in Northeast China. Founded by Russia in 1898 with the coming of the Trans-Manchurian Railway, today known as the Chinese Eastern Railway, the city first prospered as a region inhabited by an overwhelming majority of the Jewish immigrants. It is known for its bitterly cold winters and is often called the "Ice City." Harbin is notable for its beautiful ice sculptures in winter and its Russian legacy, and it still plays an important part in Sino-Russian trade today. In the 1920s, the city was considered China's fashion capital since new designs from Paris and Moscow reached there first before arriving in Shanghai. In 2010, Harbin was declared a UNESCO "City of Music".



Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang province. It lies in the northeast of China. It's the political,ecconomic and cultural center of Heilongjiang. The summer here is short and cool but the winter here is long and very cold. Every year, there is an ice and snow festival. People from all over China and foreign guests from other parts of the world come here to celebrate the festival. The sun island is the most attractive place of interest. We often go there to relax ourselves. The city is historical and modern. It has many building of Russian style and many modern buildings too. I think the city will be better in the future.


  • 关于哈尔滨的英语短文

    My hometown is a beautiful city like Harbin.Here four seasons, the famous Central Avenue on the European side of the European style architecture. Gogo


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