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日期:2021-06-26 12:17:24

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Legend tales of a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills was the staff of legend, he traveled the in search of the foes.

  I see you like to chew, maybe you should chew on my desk.

  The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full, then he swallowed, and then he spoke
  Enough talk, let’s fight

  He was so deadly in fact that his enemies will go blind for the over exposure to pure awesomeness
  He is so awesome, and attractive.
  How can we repay you?

  There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness.

  It mattered not how many foes he faced, there were no match for his foedesity

  Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved.

  Even the most roller heroes in all of China ---the furious five
  Bowed in respect of this great master
  We shall hang out!---agreed

  But hanging out would have to wait, because when you are facing ten thousand demons of demon mountain

  There is only one thing and that’s
  Get up
  You’ll be late for work!
  Po~ get up!
  Hi~ Po, what are you doing up there?
  Monkey! mantis!crane!viper!tigeress!wow~~
  Po ,let’s go! You’re late for work!

  Sorry dad~
  Sorry doesn’t make the noodles~
  And what are you doing up there~all that noise
  Oh…Nothing, just ..had a crazy
  What about? What are you dreaming about?
  En.was i….i was dreaming about..en…noodles.
  Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles?
  Yeh…what else have I dreamed about?
  Oh, careful, that soup is sharp!
  Happy day! My son finally had the noodle dream!
  You don’t know how long I have been waiting for this moment!
  This is a sign, Po~
  En..a sign of what?

  You , are almost ready to be entrust with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup,
  And then you’ll fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant!

  Just as I took it over from my father, who took it from his father who won it
  From a game named Majiang.

  Dad,dad,dad…this was just a dream.
  No, it was just the dream.
  We are noodle folk broth run though our veins.
  Dad, didn’t you ever…want to do sth else?sth besides noodles?

  Actually.when I was young and crazy, I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu.

  So why didn’t you?
  Because it was a stupid dream!
  Can you imagine me making tofu?

  We all have our place in this world, mine is here, and yours is…
  I know…is here.

  No…it’s the table to 2,5,7and12!
  Services with the smile!

  Well done!students!if you are trying to disappoint me, tigeress you need more accuracy,
  Monkey quicker speed, crane hike,viper subtlety, mantis… !
  Master Shifu!
  it’s master Wugui, he wants to see you.

  Master wugui, you summoned me? Is Sth wrong?

  Why must sth be wrong for me to see my old friend?
  So…nothing is wrong?
  Well, I didn’t say that.

  You’re saying…

  I have an vision…Tailang will return.
  That is impossible! He is in prison!

  Nothing is impossible…

  Sing!Fly to prison! Double the guards, double the weapons, double everything,
  Tailang does not leave that prison.

  Yes! Master shifu.

  When often meet destiny on the road, it takes what it really to…

  We have to do sth, before he march on the valley, and take arrange…he’ll…he’ll…

  Mind this water, my friend
  When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see.
  But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. the dragon scroll. It is time…

  But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with this secret to limit this power?
  To become the dragon warrior?

  I don’t know~
  Excuse me…sorry…

  Hey~~~watch your pose~

  Sorry!doesn’t in purpose~
  What! Master’s choosing the dragon warrior, today!
  Everyone! Everyone! Go! Get to the jade palace!
  One of the five is going tol get the dragon scroll!
  We’ve been waiting for this for thousands of years!just leave the bowl!
  This is the greatest thing in kungfu history!leave about it,kids go~

  Po~ where are you going?
  To the jade palace…

  Don’t forget your noodle car! The whole valley will be there, you’ll sell noodles to all of them~

  Selling noodles?
  But,dad…you know I was thinking…maybe i…I becomes thingking…
  Could also sell the bean bundles, they’re…they’re about to go bad…

  That’s my boy! I told you that dream was a sign!~

  Yeh~glad I had it~

  Almost there!

  Sorry~po~we’ll bring you back souvenir.
  No, I’ll bring me back souvenir.

  It is a historic day, isn’t it, Master Wugui?

  Yes…and I even felt I will not live to see~
  Are your students ready?---yes master wugui.
  You know this, old friend, whoever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley, but also to you~
  Let’s our tournament begin~

  No nono~wei…I’ve come…
  Hey~ open the door~ let me in~

  Citizens of the valley please~ it is my quite honor to present you…tigeress, viper, crane,monkey,mantis!
  ----the furious five

  The furious 5?

  Warriors, prepare~
  Nono, pick it a hole

  The thousands tons of fire~

  Wow~kook at there! Hey~get away!

  And finally!master tigeress~
  Believe me!citizens! you’ve not seen anything yet~
  I know!
  Tigeress, play on! And her plays of gests~

  I sense the dragon warrior is among us.
  Citizens of the valley of the peace!
  Master wugui will now choose the dragon warrior!

  Po!what are you doing!
  Oh, well… mean, it’s none like you going anywhere
  Would you turn around?
  Sure…hey, how’s… how …get you find…master chifu

  Someone broke that…but I’m going to fix it up…
  Do you …have some glue…

  So, you’re the legendary dragon warrior~
  I guess so~
  Wrong! You are not the dragon warrior!you’ll never be the dragon warrior!
  Until you have learnt the secret of the dragon scroll.
  So..how is this you?
  Do you have a ladder, trampoline…

  You think is that easy…
  I’m going to just hand you the secret to this limitless power?!
  No…I …
  One must first master the highest level of kunfu, and that is clearly impossible if that one is someone like you.

  Someone like me?

  Yes! Look at you!
  This fat prat
  What Sensitive in the fatty parts…
  And this ridiculous valley! And, outer! Disregard, for personal hygine…
  Wait a minute…that’s a long count for…

  Don’t stand that close I can smell your breath…

  Wugui said that I was…the…
  The Wushi finger hold? Finger hold?
  Oh…you know this hold…
  Developed by master wushi in the third dynasty, yes!
  Oh~then You must know what happens when I flex my pinky
  You know the hardest part of this?
  The hardest part is cleaning the passed bloods..
  Ok…ok take it easy…
  Nono …listen
  Panda, wugui may have picked you…
  But when I threw with you, I promise you
  I are going to wish, he, hadn’t! are we clear?
  Yeh…we clear, clear,we’re so clear!
  Good…I can’t wait to get start~

  Let’s begin!

  Unless you think great wugui was wrong…and you’re not the dragon warrior~

  I think I can’t do all …those …moves…en…
  Wow…if we don’t try, we never know…
  Yeh..it’s just …maybe we can find something more suited my level..
  And what level is that
  …I know I’m…not a master…let’s just start zero, level zero
  There’s no such thing as level zero~
  Hey~maybe I can start with that~

  That? We use that for training children~
  And for proping the door open when it is hot~
  But if you insist…

  Wow~ the furious five~you’re so much bigger than your action figures~
  Except you~mantis, you’re about the same.
  Go ahead,panda…show us what you can do

  Shall I Just wait them to get back to work and start…

  Hit it!
  Ok…I mean, I’m just a date…some is still digesting
  So my kungfu may not be as good as…later on…
  Just hit it!

  What you get…he can nothing but I can stand right here..
  Pick on my friends?
  Get ready to feel the thunder~
  Look at my crazy feet, what will you do about my crazy feet!
  Come on ~I’m blured I’m blured…you’ve never seen bear’s style~
  He’s only seen playing mantis or monkey style~and snake’s snake~

  Why didn’ you hit it!
  Oh…All right~all right~
  One try again~a little harder~

  How’s that?

  That hurts…
  This will be easier than I thought~

  My tenders…

  How did it that I do~
  There’s now a level zero~

  There’s no words…
  No denying that…
  I don’t understand what master wugui was thinking…
  The Poor guy just gets himself killed
  He is so mighty…the dragon warrior~
  Fell out of the sky and full of fire
  When he walks, the very gorge shades…
  One would think that master wugui would choose someone who actually know kungfu…
  Yeh..Or could at least touch his toes…or even see his toes


  Hey..hi… you’re up…
  I’m now…
  I was just…someday……my kungfu staff …work, you might think so…

  I’ve had a long and rather disappointing day…so…yeh…i…should troubly get to sleep now
  Yehyehyeh…of course…
  Ok thanks

  It’just how I essencially be a fan…
  You’re totally amazing at the bank of weeping river~
  I remembered thousands of ones…you didn’t stop
  Oh… sorry about that…
  Look!You don’t belong here.

  I know…I know… you’re right…

  I don’t have…it’s just a my whole-life dream…
  Nono…I mean…you don’t belong…here! I mean, in this room…this is my room
  Crane’s property.

  Oh~ok~right, right
  So..yeh…you want to get to sleep?!
  I won’t pick you up~we get things tomorrow!
  You’re awesome…Last thing I want to say, ok byebye

  What was that?
  I didn’t say anything~
  Ok~all right~good night~sleep well~
  It seemed a little awkward…

  Master tigeress! Did’t I wake you!? Just…
  You don’t belong here…
  Yeh..yeh…of course, this is your room…
  I mean you don’t belong in the jade palace…
  You’re disgraced kungfu…If you have any respect for who we are and what we do,you …will be gone by morning~
  Big fan~~~

  I see you have found the secret peach tree of heaven that I knew was then
  Is that was this is…I was so sorry…
  I just Take it as a regular peach…tree…

  I understand, you eat when you’re upset.
  Upset? I’m not up set!whywhywhy makes me upset…
  So why are you upset?

  I probably sucked to anyone in the history of kungfu.in the history of china, and in the history of sucking…
  Probably…in the five…man you should see they totally hate me…
  How can shifu overturn me into the dragon warrior?
  I’m…not like The five, I’ve got no claws, no wings, no venom…
  Even mantis has those…things…
  Maybe just I should just quit and go back to make my noodles.
  Quit, don’t quit, noodles, don’t noodles.
  You’re too concerned with outside world and what will be,
  There is a saying ,Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery,
  But today is a gift ,That is why it’s called the present (the gift)

1.Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called Present.
( 昨天是历史,明天是未知,今天却是礼物,所以今天才叫present)

2.There are not accidents. 存在即合理

3.No news are good or bad.

4.You just need to believe.

5.You must believe.

6.We are not trying to stop you, but coming with you.

7.You must continue your journey without me.

8.We all have our places in the world.

9.You eat when you are upset.

10.There is not secret ingredients.
世界上没有秘方 唯有相信才是王道


关于奉献的古诗名句 深什么入浅什么成语 谁可以设计一条公益用语??? 两个字的伤感网名,女生用的谢谢 新年贺词有哪些 哪位记忆好的朋友 帮忙提供一下《速度与激情7》 结尾部分 范... 描写谦虚的成语 读好书名人名言 形容“父亲对女儿的爱”的成语有哪些? 好段摘抄大全15字左右 什么年什么月的成语 小学生英语小故事 2分钟左右 形容"最大的响声"的成语有哪些? 给几个有创意的生日祝福语 关于美术的名人名言有那些 各位大哥大姐,急求中考前鼓励学生努力学习的横幅多几条,谢谢! 国庆节手抄报能填哪些内容 有一个成语形容每个人有不同的说法 琅琊榜萧景睿跟梅长苏道别时说的话 有关于质量的标语或口号? 《太阳的话》 原文 请问形容一个人工作认真敬业的四字成语都有哪些? 感情淡化的句子 最经典的一句情话 形容天气好温度适宜适合出去兜风的的成语有哪些 ? 用“却”字造句? 200个成语+造句.... 优美句子和出处有哪些? 感恩节对闺蜜说的话 关于国学的标语 求脍炙人口的古诗宋词!!最好有翻译!! 谁可以点评一下《清明上河图》中的房屋? 一篇300字的美文摘抄 小学生励志座右铭 厨房七言对联 素质报告单中的自我描述性评语怎么写 滕王阁序中类似于“亡羊补牢”的名句是? 谁能帮我写元旦晚会节目串词???感激不尽!!!! 带点悲伤的 晚上接着白天干 描写湖水的词语 庄严的说出表示决心的话或对某事提出保证的成语求大神帮助 企业的愿景、使命、目标的区别 形容绽放的成语 写给即将参加比赛体育健将的祝贺词 QQ个性签名女生祝福带伤感 我要关于春的对联 描写冬天的风景优美的句子 这首歌叫什么?有一句歌词是这样的:想你有时会缺氧,嘴角不自觉... 歌颂雪景的诗句 形容太阳快要落山的成语有哪些? 描写秋天草的成语有哪些 我急得……造句 形容“分布”的成语有哪些? 形容忍受寂寞孤独的词语 鼠目寸光怎么造句 鼠目寸光造句大全及是什么意思 思念故乡的抒情散文 受到极大震撼的四字词 形容吃饭快的成语有哪些? 形容烧鸡好吃的好词好句 思念故乡的作文400字 有关书籍的名人名言有哪些? 那首歌最后一句歌词有简简单单一身陪你到老 形容人拼搏的成语 关于古人修身养性的古诗词名句? 不超过一百字) 围绕孤独 空间留言比较幽默的