
位置:优美散文网 > 心情日记 > 用英文介绍中国新年的习俗


日期:2021-08-26 08:41:25

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.People usually decorate the doors and windows with red papercuts.becouse red means good luck.People usually clean house too.becouse they want to sweep away bad luck.Children can get some new clothes or presents from their parents and grandparents.


Day1: People began their day by offering prayers and welcome the gods ofheaven and earth. Most of the people stay away from meat to ensurehealthy living。


Day 2:Successively, prayers are offer to their ancestors and other gods.Chinese are strict care-taker of dogs and feed them well. This is dayis considered to be the birthday of all dogs。


Day3 and 4: These are very important days for the families to keep uptheir relations. It calls for every son-in-law to pay respect to theirparents-in-law。


Day5: According to the traditions, nobody visits friends and relativeshouses as it would bring bad omen. They stay back home to worship theGod of wealth. The day is called Po Woo。


Day6: On this day, people freely meet their near and dear ones and evenvisit nearby temples to pray for their well being and high spirits。


Day 7: This is Chinese farmers' day. They display their backbreaking

produce. They also prepare a drink from seven different types ofvegetables. On this day, everybody eats noodles which is a symbol oflong life and fish representing success。


Day8: It's an other day to be celebrated with the family and friends. Theyalso offer midnight prayers to Tian Gong, the God of Heaven。


Day 9: Prayers are offered to Jade Emperor。


Days 10 to 13: From 10 to 12, people celebrate the days by having sumptuous dinner with the loved ones and the 13th day is left for a very light dinner to cleanse the system。


Day 14: People start preparing for the celebration of Lantern Festival to be held on next day。


Day 15: Since it is the first night to see full moon, people hang out colorful lanterns, eat glutinous rice balls and enjoy the day with their families。

A series of colorful celebration activities begin on the first day of the first lunar month.
After the Spring Festival, all kinds of entertainment programs used to be given in the rural areas in China. Just like the flower exhibition in Beijing now, the entertainment programs include walking on stilts, taking a boat on ground and operas.
No matter in the city or in the countryside, all the people will do one thing that is to extend Spring Festival greetings. This activity begins at first between family members.
Normally we will extend our Spring Festival greetings to our elders, such as our parents, uncles and aunts.
Relatives will drop each other a visit during the Spring Festival to give their best wishes.
To drop a Spring Festival visit is to give your new year greetings when you are out. Have a luck talk. Happy new year! May you come into a good fortune! A luck talk can bring luck to people in the new year.
Health is very important. So new greetings normally have "Good health!"
Hope everything goes your way. May you succeed at/in whatever you try.
Have a successful career!
drop a Spring Festival visit 拜年
a luck talk 吉祥话

The traditional way of extending Spring Festival greetings includes to drop a visit or to send new year cards. In recent years, people began to use telephone, email and sms to extend their Spring Festival wishes.
Although people have different ways of extending the Spring Festival wishes now, for children, one thing still remains unchanged. This is, when they pay a Spring Festival visit to their elders, elders will give them Yasuiqian, i.e. gift money. Since Yasuiqian is money put into a small red paper envelope, people also call it "red bag/envelope/packet".
Normally, our elders give us children new year money. We kowtow to them and give them our best wishes. They will give us new year money.
其实这个"岁"呢,就是那个鬼鬼祟祟的"祟",原来不是这个年岁的岁,它是一个谐音,就是祛除这个"鬼祟之气"、"晦气", "霉运"。于是就给点压岁钱。实际上最早不是钱,它是一些象征性的物,那么后来呢,就给点钱,不管多少,有那么个意思。
Actually, "sui" in yasuiqian has a homonym which means evil spirit. Yasuiqian is to get rid of this evil spirit and bad luck. So people give some money to bring good luck. In fact, at first people did not give money but other symbolic gifts. Then, they give money. No matter how big or small the amount is, it has a symbolic meaning.

candies 糖果
sunflower seeds 瓜子
Yasuiqian = gift money = red bag 红包

After the 10th day of the first lunar month calendar, people begin to celebrate Yuanxiao Festival/the Lantern Festival. Yuanxiao Festival is the 15th day of the first lunar month, another climax during Spring Festival celebration. Watching lanterns and eating Yuanxiao are two main activities for Xuanxiao Festival celebration. On this day, people go to guess riddles on lanterns at night and have a big dinner for celebration. The riddle games are full of wisdom and fun.
During the Spring Festival, one must be extremely careful in his or her acts and words. Because Chinese people want to have a nice start at the beginning of each year. Therefore there are many taboos during the Spring Festival. Some words should not be spoken and some things should not be done.
There are many taboos during the Spring Festival. One should not sweep on the first day of the first lunar month. If you sweep on that day, you should sweep from outdoors to indoors, but not from indoors to outdoors. If a child breaks something on that day, you should not blame him or her. You should say "To break is great for next year!" Break in Chinese has a homonym which means Year. If a child says something bad, it is "Children’s words are no taboos."

Yuanxiao Festival/the Lantern Festival 元宵节
To break is great for next year! 碎碎平安
Children’s words are no taboos 童言无忌

Spring Festival
The Spring festival is the most important festival in China.
It is on January 1st according to the Chinese lunar calendar.
It's China's New year's Day So usually a month before the
festiva,people begin to buy food clothes and decorations for
On New Year Eve,each family will gather together eating,
talking and watching TV for almost the whole night.The children
are the happiest of all because they can get presents from
their parents or grand-parents.
On Lunar New Year's Day.pepole will eat dumplings.
When they meet their neighbours or friends,they'll say:”Happy
New Year!”The New Year celebrating activitise will last about
half a month.
The Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival.
It falls on the 15th day of August.A few days before the festival,
everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and
beautiful.Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.
On the evening there will be a big family dinner.People who
work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union.
After dinner,people will light the lanterns which are usually red
and round.Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily.


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