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日期:2021-06-23 11:27:42



I do the green thing

I have not made any special environmental protection as a matter of environmental protection than some of the disabilities, seems to be inferior to many.
However, environmental protection, I think everyone is duty-bound. The size of things done or how much, of course, is not whether this definition of environmental protection.
I have to say this one thing, but is in fact the more insignificant.
On one occasion, I would like to have been thrown on the floor of the paper, re-Chuai back pocket.
You may laugh. Perhaps dismissive. Whether you what is the response, I intend to continue this thing Jiangxia Qu. This matter, I still learn from my cousin to the body.
One day in the summer, a catalyst for满头sweat after playing with a tissue to Cahan. Cawan found that no one was around trash, I was prepared to incite cousin will throw in the towel for the floor, he found paper Sedao his pocket.
"You Zhensha ah, thrown to the ground and saw no one, so why installed in the pocket, the Xixi dirty." I "from" the lessons of his identity.
"But I can see, you see."
Perhaps because he has not had a passion for environmental protection will be forgotten, the paper throwing on the ground, how uncivilized ah. I think, has already lost a lot of their own: to see people spitting, I will head twisted to one side; see other people throwing garbage anywhere, I Bulibucai, or even follow the example; trampling on others to see flowers, I "do not matter None, hangs high "……
Now, lost, I picked up. Just as I have been picked up anywhere, like throwing the garbage. I was stuffed into a pocket. That is environmental protection. Right, environmental protection.
Things have been the end of the unimportant. The results of course I will Chuaijin a paper bag. However, the paper is going because I forgot to take in the washing machine in Jiaocheng was "filled snowflakes."
Is such a thing. I have a lot of Wudao. Finish the story. Do you also find the things you lost

Attention please! I'd like to tell you something about our plan for the volunteer activities next week. On Monday next week, the volunteers will go to the park for cleaning and sweeping. On Wednesday, the volunteers will go to the hospital, tell stories to the children patients and make them happy. On Saturday, the volunteers will repair bicycles around the park. On Sunday, the volunteers will do laundries and room cleaning for the old in the nursing home, some of the volunteers can sing some songs to them.
1.The other day the TV reported that a retired school math teacher, Beth Smith, has been volunteering for the past 20 years at a United Nation’s refugee camp in Thailand, helping kids who cannot afford to go to school learn math and English. I was deeply touched when watching the story, especially when the reporter asked Beth why she would spent all her time in a third world country volunteering, she replied, “By helping these kids, I feel I’m doing good for the society, therefore I feel happy.” Her answer made me think about the virtue of helping others, and I realize that she is a true hero in my heart.

2.YaoMing was born September 12, 1980 in ShangHai. At 226 centimeters he is one of the tallest men in the NBA. He has played basketball all of his life but in 1998 YaoMing joined the Chinese National team. In the year 2002, YaoMing was selected first in the NBA Draft by Houston. He was one of few first year players to make the NBA All-Star team. YaoMing now played in the Houston Toyota Center for 7 years. He played very well this year, and lead the team to go into the second turn of playoff. People think that YaoMing will be more aggressive because he is a superstar and hard working player, who was known for his aggressive style of play. let's look forward to YaoMing's next perfect season in NBA.

When I do well in the exam, I will show my paper to my parents, they are so happy to see me do well in the exam. I want to be happy all the time. But I have put so much pressure on myself. One day, my parents tell me that they don’t care how I do well in the exam, they just want me to be happy. I know I should relax myself and be happy.


  • 求一篇简单的英语作文

    我为环保做的一件事 我并未为环保做出什么特殊的事,比起一些环保之士,似乎逊色许多。 但是,对于环保,我想,每个人都会义不容辞。做过事情的大小或者是多少,当然是不能定义这个人是否环保的。 我要说的这一件事,其实是再渺小不过的。 有一次,我将本来想扔在地上的纸,重新揣回口袋里。 你或许会笑。或许不屑一顾


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