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日期:2020-10-30 03:55:26

'Dead Poets Society' is one of the finest movies you'll ever watch. An inspiring, tear-jerky and moving story told in the most strict manner. Filmmaker Peter Weir knows he's a legend, he knows his "Type" of Cinema touches a chord. He has achieved so much.

'Dead Poets Society' is the story of every human being. Free-Will, Confidence, Love and Hope... isn't this all we heed for? I sure do, and that's the reason why I weeped in my seat while watching this acclaimed 1989 film. It's a film that brings back your good-old Study Years in you, those moments, aha, life was "WOW" then. Carpe diem, indeed!

Peter Weir makes astonishing cinema in 'Dead Poets Society'. Sure, 'The Truman Show' remains as his and cinema's finest film to date. But, let's not forget this came way before 'The Truman Show'. Weir, you are simply an inspiration! The Cinematography is wonderful, so is the editing.

Robin Williams delivers a very fine performance. But the show-stealer in here is, Robert Sean Leonard. As a youngster named as Neil Perry, he pitches in an incredible performance from start to end.

On the whole, 'Dead Poets Society' has everything working on it's advantage.

He was their inspiration. He made their lives extraordinary. There's so much good about this movie. The first time I saw it I watched it solely for plot and I loved it. Now I've seen it again and watched Peter Weir's filming and timing which is also great. Robin Williams is a terrific actor when he's serious. He proved it in Good Will Hunting but he proved it first here. If you liked that movie and your liking it had something to do with Williams than you will like this one. The plot is about a number of students who are taught by Williams about life. They are taught how to enjoy themselves. This ends up causing great controversy among the heads of the school. The students are terrific and even the dialogue is great. This is a movie that I can't imagine anyone not liking. It is good in every way. There are certain films that get under your skin, never to come out. They change your life, subtly altering your perceptions of reality, almost always for the better. Dead Poets Society is one of those few films. I saw the movie back when I was in High School. I had a teacher who told us that we really needed to watch it; in fact, it was our "homework" for the day. We didn't need to bring back a report, or talk about it in class. All he asked from us was to watch it, make up our own mind about it, and that was it. As you can imagine, many friends of mine didn't watch it at all; I did. And yes, I feel I changed a bit from there on. Back when you are young, you never really stop to think what in the world you are doing with your life. You simply live for the day, hope your grades will be enough to pass, and that's it. Long term thinking involves maybe flirting with a girl. Nothing more. What this film showed me was that we have the responsability and the joy of being alive in this planet. That we are dust, and we will go back to it, so we have precious little time to make a difference. That we have a moral obligation to "seize the day, and make our lives extraordinary" (my favorite quote in all movie history). That the world, basically is ours. That the only limitations are within ourselves, and that we owe it to us to fight, to rebel against conformity, to change what we hate and keep what we love. That living in this world is a beautiful responsability, and that only cowards dare not to change it for the better. The fact that the cast was basically my age, and was passing through the same dilemmas and situations I was facing made it all so much more powerful. So here I sit, 12 years from that day. I still don't think I have seized the day completely. But I keep on trying; I always will. I wonder how many people were transformed by this gem of a movie; I hope many. 10 out of 10. A definitive masterpiece. 心灵应当释放——《死亡诗社》 每个人都有自己的学生时代,每个人都有自己的辉煌时刻,谁来带给我们青春的激情,谁来带领我们开始辉煌的起点?是伯乐。 影片开场的蜡烛犹如证明了罗宾.威廉斯的行动:燃烧着自己为了青年得其生命精髓。在老师面前他还带了几分客套,但在学生面前他是如此的实在与亲近。一切只因为真理。 片中的学生们虽然众多,但个个都是个性鲜明,印象深刻。有的软弱,有的顽皮有的叛逆——这些面孔就是年轻时的我们。一所历史悠久、升学率较高的学校对于大人来说,称得上是孩子的天堂。但再听听孩子的看法:对于他们来说私下里称之为地狱罢了。 大人想把孩子们打造成自己,适应于这残酷的社会,可谁来为我们的激情负责?谁来为我们的青春买单?如果青春只有所谓的成绩好那是和年龄不吻合的。只有激情、叛逆、个性、奋发,都存在的生命才成其为生命,校园才成其为校园! 这个世界有两种人:一种人让社会来打造自己,一种人是自己打造社会。基廷老师的出现就是倡导后面一种方法,他打破了所有的教学模式,Carpe Diem (【拉】抓住今天,及时行乐(=seize the day))。这个词说通俗一点就是抓住时间做最好的自己。他将这条道理一直贯彻给他的学生。当学生问起他什么是DeadPoetsSociety他毫无保留的将自己的青春经历传给了他的学生,他不再年轻。可他希望真理可以传承。学生们找到了哪个地方,对于他们来说这不是山洞,是精神的家园。一个山洞可能简陋,但他们的心确实比这潮湿的山洞温暖、丰富。这其实就是俱乐部的前身吧。 你们可以封闭我们的白天,但你们不能封闭我们的黑夜!在那里孩子们做自己想做的任何一件事,对于学校来说这是不对的,错误的,可这不就是文艺复兴吗?13世纪打破传统就是这幅情景呀!革命应该是美丽的。 但革命也是流血的,当学校发现孩子们的事情时,青春的弊端也暴露无疑:有告密的,有胆小的。我不想去对这些学生有任何的评价,每个人都有自己的选择,在那种年龄阶段。你还无法去对他们的人格做分析。我只记得那句:Captain!MyCaptain!。你可以打倒我们的身体,但你永远无法打倒我们的灵魂。影片最后的哪个高潮让我得到了强烈的共鸣。那时,孩子们的青春已不再平凡。理想的种子已根深蒂固。 人生最难是选择。每个人经历过片中尼尔的处境。自己的理想和现实的无情相碰撞。是向现实妥协,还是放飞自己的理想?当然他的方法让我们应该慎重,生命如此灿烂,确实哪容得为别人而活。尼尔之死是对梦想追逐的最高形式。那么这到底是对还是错,我无法去正确的判断,我只知道船长告诉我们:要做生命的主人,而不是生命的奴隶。为了融入社会我们是必须丢失一些浪漫,但还是希望有些东西能够在我的骨子里苟延残存。如果一个人在该冲动的年代冲动不起来,那么到头来也许只剩下“可怜白发生”。是,现实和理想永远有差距。但又如何?医药,法律,商业,工程是维生的必须条件。但是诗,爱,浪漫,美这些才是我们生存之原因。 现代生活的节奏,让我们不得不审视自己为何活着?为何我们一直在做和自己年龄不相符的事?大人们的世界如此复杂,以为学校传统的教育模式就是对我们最好的保护,但却一直缺乏着人文色彩。生命的精髓没人教给我们。就像哪个古板的校长所说:按学校的传统教学,其他方面任其发展。传统,传统!我们存在不是为了传统,而是为了创新,为了革命。 生命是什么?在电影里,生命是诗,生命是音符,生命是戏剧,生命是一场演出里最为充满华彩的那个篇章。 “花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。” 我们应该从电影中借点激情面对生活,在我的学生生涯中很少遇到一个让我尊重的老师,现实没有,那么死亡诗社,我借你来面对现实,我的船长。 正是有了基廷老师的教诲,尼尔才会放开自己展现表演天赋,诺克斯终于大胆追求自己喜欢的女孩,查理才完全放开了自我,胆小的托德也通过基廷找回了勇气。我们就是剧中人,我们也应该打开自己的心结。 当你的目光炯炯地射向舞台的正前方,当音符渐止,当刹那静寂之后掌声雷动,当鲜花与喝彩涌向前台,当你的面孔中又写满一个人所应具有的自信,那一瞬间,你仿佛看见了你的理想,是这种理想鼓舞着你,引导着你,哪怕你将会走向死亡-- 这就是生命,桀骜不逊的生命。 I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life!To put to rout all that was not life. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. 我步入丛林,因为我希望生活得有意义,我希望活得深刻,汲取生命中所有的精华, 把非生命的一切都击溃,以免让我在生命终结时,发现自己从来没有活过。 人的一生,其实只需要一课。
  八九十年代的关于少年成长的电影不少,其中最优秀的应该就是《死亡诗社》Dead Poet Society,而巧合的是罗宾·威廉姆斯也在当中扮演了改变学生命运的老师的角色。

  现在回到本片,《心》片中扮演Will的马特·达蒙在影片上映的97年还是个无名小生,但影片里他的表演无克挑剔。96年的《战火下的勇气》Courage Under Fire里,他为了演活一个吸毒的配角,减掉了数十磅体重,可见其敬业的精神。98年《拯救大兵雷恩》Saving Private Ryan中的雷恩同样是个非常成功的角色,也是他演的配角中我最喜欢的。他短暂但惊人的演出给整部伟大的影片锦上添花。而令他真正成名的是99年的影片《天才雷普利》The Talented Mr. Reply,在这么一部悬念加惊悚的影片里,一个有同性恋情倾向、有可怕的模仿能力、心怀巨大野心的复杂角色被马特诠释的够可以的,演技从此得到了普遍的肯定。(我看这片子的时候吓出一身汗)
  罗宾·威廉姆斯在影坛的地位是毋庸质疑的,尽管自己是以喜剧出名,可一点都不缺乏演技派的风范。他主演过的影片不计其数。八九十年代的关于少年成长的电影不少,其中最优秀的应该就是《死亡诗社》,而巧合的是罗宾·威廉姆斯也在当中扮演了改变学生命运的老师的角色。Oh captain,my captain.这句话我想看过《死亡诗社》的人决不会忘记,电影结局的那种微妙的悲壮色彩和浓烈的煽情令影片永载佳片史册。威廉姆斯近年来正在转型当中,如01年与阿尔·帕西诺合作的惊悚片《失眠》以及与康妮·尼尔森合作的惊悚片《一小时快照》,他在这两部片子里的角色都有精神病,暴力倾向且都有悲惨的结局。而前者中的转型更是得到了广泛的称赞。(只是那张笑脸怎么看怎么不吓人……)

There's so much good about this movie. The first time I saw it I watched it solely for plot and I loved it. Now I've seen it again and watched Peter Weir's filming and timing which is also great. Robin Williams is a terrific actor when he's serious. He proved it in Good Will Hunting but he proved it first here. If you liked that movie and your liking it had something to do with Williams than you will like this one. The plot is about a number of students who are taught by Williams about life. They are taught how to enjoy themselves. This ends up causing great controversy among the heads of the school. The students are terrific and even the dialogue is great. This is a movie that I can't imagine anyone not liking. It is good in every way.

There are certain films that get under your skin, never to come out. They change your life, subtly altering your perceptions of reality, almost always for the better.

Dead Poets Society is one of those few films.

I saw the movie back when I was in High School. I had a teacher who told us that we really needed to watch it; in fact, it was our "homework" for the day. We didn't need to bring back a report, or talk about it in class. All he asked from us was to watch it, make up our own mind about it, and that was it. As you can imagine, many friends of mine didn't watch it at all; I did. And yes, I feel I changed a bit from there on.

Back when you are young, you never really stop to think what in the world you are doing with your life. You simply live for the day, hope your grades will be enough to pass, and that's it. Long term thinking involves maybe flirting with a girl. Nothing more. What this film showed me was that we have the responsability and the joy of being alive in this planet. That we are dust, and we will go back to it, so we have precious little time to make a difference. That we have a moral obligation to "seize the day, and make our lives extraordinary" (my favorite quote in all movie history). That the world, basically is ours. That the only limitations are within ourselves, and that we owe it to us to fight, to rebel against conformity, to change what we hate and keep what we love. That living in this world is a beautiful responsability, and that only cowards dare not to change it for the better.

The fact that the cast was basically my age, and was passing through the same dilemmas and situations I was facing made it all so much more powerful.

So here I sit, 12 years from that day. I still don't think I have seized the day completely. But I keep on trying; I always will. I wonder how many people were transformed by this gem of a movie; I hope many.

10 out of 10. A definitive masterpiece.


  • 死亡诗社英文影评(加中文翻译)

    《死亡诗社》影评:个性与传统、创新与保守、个体与集体、理想与现实 看这部电影才知道,原来自己已经死去了好久,从某个不经意间被打破的清晨开始。 从某种意义上说,这部电影讲述的是太过纯净的故事。我说的太过是因为它没有被商业化得很滥情,所以也成就了它票房毒药的性质。一群青春年少的男孩们,一个对生命有独特理

  • 死亡诗社英文影评

    Dead Poets Society is one of the finest movies youll ever watch. An inspiring, tear-jerky and moving story told in the most strict manner. Filmmaker P

  • 死亡诗社的英文内容简介

    Dead Poets Society is one of the finest movies youll ever watch. An inspiring, tear-jerky and moving story told in the most strict manner. Filmmaker P


形容吃饭速度快的成语 五年级英语作文天气 qq空间留言代码怎样一直使用 祝你一路顺风粤语版名称 有关于国庆节的诗歌 看图猜成语一个人在吐气是什么成语答案介绍 大话西游2怎么改密码详细一点 怎样签名才好看? 各种不同的说晚安的句子 哪种人被称为变色龙 对于人物品质的名言警句 学生对学校的寄语 求校训、校风、教风、学风、校标、学校精神 我这个人很现实 ,说话语言方面表达让人感觉太现实这样好吗 ... 形容女子貌美的字有哪些? 表示思考做事不拘一格的成语有哪些 介绍一下写北方的雪的壮美的句子 用或什么或什么或什么来造句 谁能推荐一本对人生有启迪作用的书啊 用无地自容造句 描写“后悔”的句子有哪些? 请教“尚武精神”用英语怎么说,还有“尚武精神”的 感人的爱情语句留言 情人节发什么短信给刚刚认识不久的女朋友 “春风…… 关于荷花的20个字优美句子 因为造句,因为怎么造句 做人做事是讲道理 父亲去世周年祭奠宴席祝酒词 最经典的广告词 关于龙的成语故事 有哪些关于樱花的日本诗歌 知人知面不知心怎么用成语表达 关于“书香”的四字成语有哪些? 不忘初心的初心到底是什么意思 现在汽车里的导航有没有电子狗路况提醒 描写华尔兹的句子 急求关于“爱岗敬业,奉献青春”诗歌朗诵稿!帮帮忙吧! 什么谭 用什么词来形容狮子的叫声? 有没有青春励志一点的朗诵稿 长一点的最好 形容最需要的时候到来帮助有哪些成语 描写树木的词语有哪些 《大话西游》的经典语录,最好全的 求情话,对女孩子表白说的那种,越多越好, 二年级古诗中带有春字的诗句 关于赵丽颖的qq签名 形容灯光色彩的成语有哪些? 名人立志故事50字左右 写出两个古诗词中表现了乐观向上 鼓励人不要放弃的格言 描写爱情幸福 “形容不看现在看未来会很好”的成语有哪些? 关于战争的四字成语(至少十个) 我相信释迦牟尼的一句话:无论你遇见谁,他都是你生命中该出现的... 生日祝福语图片带音乐 写人的神态动作的句子大全 珍惜你现在所拥有的 下一句应该写什么? 推荐几首关于“普通话”的诗词 什么什么什么实的成语 劈字成语 描写相思之苦的古诗词有哪些 形容心像从嗓子里蹦出来的四字词语? 学校艺术节要做一个关于初中校园生活的视频,内容应该定什么? 描写桃花的古诗有哪些 描写桃花的诗词名句有哪些原文 我现在初一,要送给初三的哥哥姐姐一张贺卡,内容必须是关于鼓励... 形容开心的句子有哪些? 瞧不起兄弟的经典语录