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日期:2020-06-04 07:51:49

Tender, earthly, and full of youthful innocence; Flipped is a film that conveys childhood confusion and growth with a soft beauty. There is a running sweetness throughout Flipped that makes it a charming and thoroughly absorbing affair with an astonishing cast that holds a determined edge on maturity. Madeline Carroll is a bright, intelligent, and interesting lead in Juli - the unique girl that is ahead of her years. Carroll displays these qualities with aplomb; she contends with her adult peers and sets herself apart as a talent to be watched.

Her counterpart is Callan McAuliffe in no less impressive. As a young boy learning from his mistakes, McAuliffe has given his character a steady ground and an inviting understanding. It could have been a difficult character to nail, but the young actor has given his '50's period child a magnetic quality that makes the audience want him to succeed.

Unfortunately though, for such an impressive film with a talented young lineup, it is a single short performance from Kevin Weisman that greatly detracts. His cliche' ridden mumblings pull out from an otherwise rounded piece, and needs to be noted as a rare mistep for this film.

Flipped is an understated stroke of mastery from Rob Reiner that deserves a solid audience. It's a sweet look at young life in the making, and is executed with an eye for wonder and hope that it should prove to stir a nostalgic stream of emotions in its viewers.

Julie Bakerbelieves in three things piously: the tree is holy , 

the eggs she keeps in her backyard are the most sanitary, and one day she will kiss Blaise Roskie. 

In the second grade, the moment she saw Blaise's blue eyes, Julie's heart was hit by him. Unfortunately, Blaise never felt for her.

Besides, he thought Julie was a little weird. How could anyone take raising chickens and sitting under trees as fun?

Unexpectedly, by the eighth grade, Blaise began to find Julie's unusual interest and pride in her family attractive.

And Julie began to think that Blaise's beautiful blue eyes might be as empty as himself. 

After all, how could anyone take the feelings of other people about trees and chickens seriously?









Juli Baker devoutly believes in three things: the sanctity of trees (especially her beloved sycamore), the wholesomeness of the eggs she collects from her backyard flock of chickens, and that someday she will kiss Bryce Loski. Ever since she saw Bryce's baby blues back in second grade, Juli has been smitten. Unfortunately, Bryce has never felt the same. Frankly, he thinks Juli Baker is a little weird--after all, what kind of freak raises chickens and sits in trees for fun? Then, in eighth grade, everything changes. Bryce begins to see that Juli's unusual interests and pride in her family are, well, kind of cool. And Juli starts to think that maybe Bryce's brilliant blue eyes are as empty as the rest of Bryce seems to be. After all, what kind of jerk doesn't care about other people's feelings about chickens and trees?



  • 美剧怦然心动剧情英文简短介绍

    有一篇影评,不是介绍,看能不能用Tender, earthly, and full of youthful innocence; Flipped is a film that conveys childhood confusion and growth with a soft beauty. The

  • 怦然心动英文简介

    Juli Baker devoutly believes in three things: the sanctity of trees (especially her beloved sycamore), the wholesomeness of the eggs she collects from

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