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日期:2021-07-14 12:59:34


  True Friend

  You never really leave a place you love,part of you take with you ,

  Leaving a part of you behind,

  Don’t be sad it’s over,

  Be glad it happened.

  Yesterday brought the beginning.

  Tomorrow brings the end.

  But somewhere in the middle,

  We became the best friends.

  True friends are hard to find,

  Harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

  We all take different paths in life,but no matter where we go ,we take little of each other everyshere.

  Friends are there,rain or tear.

  Friends are there,happiness of fear.

  Frideds are fun and friends are clever,

  And the ties that bind friends will last forever.

  We have no choice of what color we’re born or who our parents are or whether we’re rich or poor.What we do have is some choice over what we make of our
  lives once we’re here..

  The best thing to hold on to in this world is each other.

  Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.

  If you smile at me I will understand because that’s something everyone does in the same language.

  No love,no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever.

  Many people will walk in and out of your life,but only true friends will leave footprints on your heart !

  Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again --- by Xu Zhimo 再别康桥 徐志摩


  Very quietly I take my leave
  As quietly as I came here
  Quietly I wave good-bye
  To the rosy clouds in the western sky

  The golden willows by the riverside
  Are young brides in the setting sun
  Their reflections on the shimmering waves
  Always linger in the depth of my heart

  The floating heart growing in the sludge
  Sways leisurely under the water
  In the gentle waves of Cambridge
  I would be a water plant

  That pool under the shade of elm trees
  Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky
  Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds
  Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream

  To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream
  To where the green grass is more verdant
  Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight
  And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight

  But I can not sing aloud
  Quietness is my farewell music
  Even summer insects keep silence for me
  Silent is Cambridge tonight

  Very quietly I take my leave
  As quietly as I came here
  Gently I flick my sleeves
  Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away


  Very quietly I take my leave
  As quietly as I came here;
  Quietly I wave good-bye
  To the rosy clouds in the western sky.
  The golden willows by the riverside
  Are young brides in the setting sun;
  Their reflections on the shimmering waves
  Always linger in the depth of my heart.
  The floating heart growing in the sludge
  Sways leisurely under the water;
  In the gentle waves of Cambridge
  I would be a water plant!
  That pool under the shade of elm trees
  Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky;
  Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds
  Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream?
  To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream
  To where the green grass is more verdant;
  Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight
  And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight.
  But I cannot sing aloud
  Quietness is my farewell music;
  Even summer insects heep silence for me
  Silent is Cambridge tonight!
  Very quietly I take my leave
  As quietly as I came here;
  Gently I flick my sleeves
  Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away


  *take a/one’s leave: 别离

  *wave good-bye: 挥手告别

  *rosy: 玫瑰色的(此处喻云彩之美丽的色彩)

  *willow: 柳树

  *bride: 新娘(如要表示“新郎”则用bridegroom)

  *heart: 植物叶面之中心部分

  *sludge: 软泥

  *sway: 摇摆

  *leisurely: 悠闲地;从容不迫地

  *elm: 榆树

  *shatter: 破碎

  *duckweed: 浮萍

  *sediment: 沉淀

  *pole: 作名词时表示“竿”,这里表示“用竹篙撑船”

  *upstream: 沿河而上

  *verdant: 翠绿的

  *splendour: 壮丽之光彩

  *heap: 堆积

  *flick: 轻拂

  *sleeve: 衣袖

  *wisp: 小捆


  寻梦? 撑一支长篙,

  Mirror mirror
  * (Mirror mirror lie to me
  Show me what I wanna see
  Mirror mirror lie to me)
  Why don't I like the girl I see?
  The one who's standing right in front of me
  Why don't I think before I speak?
  I should've listened to that voice inside of me

  I must be stupid
  Must be crazy
  Must be out of my mind
  To say the kinda things I said last night

  (CHORUS) Mirror Mirror hanging on the wall
  you don't have to tell me
  who's the biggest fool of all
  Mirror mirror I wish you could lie to me
  and bring my baby back
  bring my baby back to me

  Why did I let you walk away?
  When all I had to do was say I'm sorry
  I let my pride get in the way
  And in the heat of the moment I was to blame

  I must be stupid
  Must be crazy
  Must be out of my mind
  To say the kinda things I said last night
  Now in the cold light of the day I realise

  If only wishes coul be dreams
  then all my dreams would come true
  there would be two of us standing here in front of you
  If you could show me that someone that I used to be
  Bring back my baby(my baby to me)

  never had a dream come true
  歌手:S Club 7
  Never Had A Dream Come 从未梦想成真
  1)Everybody's got something
  They had to leave behind 每个人都不得不放弃一些东西。
  One regret from yesterday
  That just 2)seems to grow with time 昨天残留在心中的遗憾今天好象令人更加痛苦。
  There's 3)no use looking back or wondering 回忆过去没有意义,
  How it could be now or 4)might have been 想象我们现在会怎样或可能会怎样也是徒劳无功。
  All this I know but still 5)I can't find ways
  To let you go 这些我都知道,但是我就是没有办法忘记你。
  I never had a dream come true
  6)Till the day that found you 直到遇见你,我才梦想成真。
  Even though I 7)pretend that I 8)moved on 虽然我假装继续生活下去,
  You'll always be my baby 但是我会永远记得你。
  I never found the words to say
  You're the one I 9)think about each day 我无法形容我的心情,我每天都在想你。
  And I know no matter where life takes me to
  A part of me will always be with you. 不论我身在合处,你总会在我心中。
  Somewhere in my memory
  I've lost all 10)sense of time 在我记忆的某个地方, 时间好象已经不存在了.
  And tomorrow can never be
  Cause yesterday is all that fills my mind 我无法想象明天, 因为我的心已被过去添满.
  There's 3)no use looking back or wondering 回忆过去没有意义,
  How it could be now or 4)might have been 想象我们现在会怎样或可能会怎样也是徒劳无功。
  All this I know but still 5)I can't find ways
  To let you go 这些我都知道,但是我就是没有办法忘记你。
  I never had a dream come true
  6)Till the day that found you 直到遇见你,我才梦想成真。
  Even though I 7)pretend that I 8)moved on 虽然我假装继续生活下去,
  You'll always be my baby 但是我会永远记得你。
  I never found the words to say
  You're the one I 9)think about each day 我无法形容我的心情,我每天都在想你。
  And I know no matter where life takes me to
  A part of me will always be with you. 不论我身在合处,你总会在我心中。
  You'll always be the dream
  That 11)fills my head 你就是我所有的梦想,
  You'll always be the one Iknow
  I'll never forget 我知道你就是那个我永远不会忘记的人。
  It's no use looking back or wondering 回忆过去没有意义,
  Because love is a strange and funny thing 因为爱情就是一件奇特美妙的事情。
  No matter how I try and try 无论我怎样努力,
  I just can't say goodbye 就是说不出再见

  the day you went away
  Well I wonder could it be ? 哦,我想知道,这是真的吗?
  When I was dreaming about you baby. 当我梦到你的时候
  You were dreaming of me. 你的梦中也有我吗
  Call me crazy. 有人说我疯狂
  Call me blind. 有人说我盲目
  To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time. 已经过去了这么长时候还如此的全心是多么蠢
  Did I lose my love to someone better. 我该将属于我的爱给她吗
  And does she love you like I do. 她会像我那样爱你吗
  I do,you know I really really do. 是的,你知道我真的真的很爱你
  Well hey. 是的
  So much I need to say. 我多么想告诉你
  Been lonely since the day. 从那一天起我是多么的孤独
  The day you went away. 你离去的那一天
  So sad but true. 我是真的很难过
  For me there's only you. 你是我的唯一
  Been crying since the day. 从那一天起我就一直在哭泣
  The day you went away. 你离去的那一天

  I remember date & time. 我记得那一天那一刻
  September twenty second Sunday twenty five after nine. 九月的一个星期天九点二十五分二十秒
  In the doorway with your case. 在你离开的门前
  No longer shouting at each other. 我们不再争吵
  There were tears on our faces. 泪水挂在我们的脸上
  And we were letting go of something special. 我们因为特殊的事而分手
  Something we'll never have again. 那些事在我们之间再也不会发生了
  I know,I guess I really really know. 我明白,我想我真的真的明白了
  Well hey. 是的
  So much I need to say. 我多么想告诉你
  Been lonely since the day. 从那一天起我是多么的孤独
  The day you went away. 你离去的那一天
  So sad but true. 我是真的很难过
  For me there's only you. 你是我的唯一
  Been crying since the day. 从那一天起我就一直在哭泣
  The day you went away. 你离去的那一天
  The day you went away. 你离去的那一天
  The day you went away. 你离去的那一天

  Did I lose my love to someone better. 我该将属于我的爱给她吗
  And does she love you like I do. 她会像我那样爱你吗
  I do,you know I really really do. 是的,你知道我真的真的很爱你
  Well hey. 是的
  So much I need to say. 我多么想告诉你
  Been lonely since the day. 从那一天起我是多么的孤独
  The day you went away. 你离去的那一天
  So sad but true. 我是真的很难过
  For me there's only you. 你是我的唯一
  Been crying since the day. 从那一天起我就一直在哭泣
  The day you went away. 你离去的那一天
  Why do we never know what we've got till it's gone? 为什么直到失去我们才明白究竟发生了什么?
  How could I carry on? 我该怎样继续?
  The day you went away. 你离去的那一天
  Cause I've been missing you so much I have to say. 我不得不说我是多么地想念你。
  Been crying since the day. 从那一天起我就一直在哭泣
  The day you went away. 你离去的那一天
  The day you went away. 你离去的那一天
  The day you went away. 你离去的那一天

  ●歌曲:此情可待、jourany ●话剧:《孔雀东南飞》、《梁祝》、《一美元的故事》、《项链》、《英雄》和《彼特和狼》,不够写了,我发短消息给你。


  • 主持开场白

    虽然晚了点哈~  ●诗  True Friend  --------------  You never really leave a place you love,part of you take with you ,  Leaving a part of you behind,  Don’t be

  • 主持人开场白台词,是小型沙龙会

    今天我们一起来聊聊“美”的话题,爱美之心人皆有之。我们每个人无论男人女人,都喜欢美的事物.养眼才养心。美丽的女人,人人都愿意看 看到美得事物你是不是很愉快,精神都为之一振呢? 在来看看我们这张脸····先生,女士,大家好思路:首先要欢迎各位来宾莅临现场,表达本次节目的主题,宣布活动开始,过程以及

  • 请教主持人轻松幽默台词

    其实,不用打稿的、、、、就像平常聊天似的,当然,挣脱不了这个框框也无关紧要的,,,,:::::这年头,看了色戒知道女人不准成,看了苹果明白男人不准成,看了集结号明白领导不准成,看了投名状明白兄弟不准成,看来唯一准成的还是老同学,喝吧还有这 多看点笑话就ok到时候顺口 说上几个 气氛就活跃了 呵呵第一

  • 主持人开场白该怎么说?

    文章简介:《大学生辩论赛主持词》 尊敬的各位评委、亲爱的同学,大家晚上好!网络在依托科学技术的提高下正迅猛发展,同时在工作生活中也扮演这不可替代的角色。许多大学生拥《大学生辩论赛主持词》 文章《大学生辩论赛主持词》正文开始>> 尊敬的各位评委、亲爱的同学,大家晚上好!网络在依托科学技术的提高下正迅猛

  • 夜场主持人开场白台词


  • 美容主持人开场白台词

    如果我们美容院在经营过程中遇到了:1、美容师问题:难招,难管,难留2、顾客问题:拓客难,留客难,顾客消费提升难,客人到店率低,3、店务管理问题:目标管理,店务管理,员工薪资管理,顾客管理,销售管理等等,一系列让美容院老板头疼的问题,我们缺了什么??缺了标准化系统化的管理模式和赢利模式! 亲爱的老板:

  • 主持人开场白台词幽默


  • 班会开场白台词


  • 主持人的开场白


  • 晚会主持人开场白台词



浅析学校教育与家庭教育的关系 井底之蛙怎么造句? 义卖活动求创意 用老鼠表示眼睛的四字成语 成语猜猜看什么肝什么胆的成语 形容早上好的唐诗宋词 求带“海”字的网名 关于我要当学霸的QQ个性签名 "借"字开头的成语有哪些? 家长寄语大全初中100多字 有关诚信的名言警句 形容人精力而亡的成语 qq个性签名伤感繁体 求关于端午节作文,急急急~(800字) “有过之而无不及”和“过犹不及”分别是什么意思? 有没有在逆境中成长的励志故事或名言 身处困境的近义词和反义词是什 形容爱情的唯美句子五个字四句话 求含4个以上的成语组成的句子 帮我找几个特别伤感的个性签名!就是看了想哭的那种,拜托了……... 苏轼的诗的名句有哪些? 求团队口号 要求积极向上 有激情 最好跟钱有联系 一生情,一辈子,朋友一生一起走,全部歌词 形容谈恋爱的过程成语 用诱惑造句一百字 写出带颜色的两字词语有哪些 用“先......然后......再......又........ 学校庆元旦跳绳比赛开场白 邀请参加婚礼的短信 请人参加婚礼怎么说 形容小溪的四字的词语 形容一个人在深夜寂寞孤独的难以入睡诗词 描写校园生活的古诗怎么写? 跪求一首表达爱意的古诗词.里面要带关海楠我爱你.要含蓄.一般... 造句(排比句) 歌曲<豆浆油条>歌词? 把下面的词语补充完整,再选择恰当的词语填到句子中的括号里1... 含三字的成语表示多少 描写春天阳光的古诗 慵懒的诗词 对暗恋女孩高情商的简短早安问候语 男生励志个性签名不要非主流不要爱的 适合发个性签名的一句话语录,有喜欢的一句吗 美文摘抄500字左右初中 合作中共赢优秀作文开头 关于感恩的诗歌有什么 没本事的男人经典语录 书香浸润好少年为题写一篇征文 关于化学的成语 形容男生五官的词语 请大侠告诉我回文联、数字联、叠字联、顶针联各一个 描写人物动作神态语言的成语 以高三生活感受为主题写一篇英语作文 描写郁金香的诗句 祖国在我心中的两则爱国古诗句 医院空无一人的办公室门上贴着春联,这是什么地方? 许巍一共唱过多少首歌?出过几张专辑? 表达爱国情感的名言有哪些? 用鱼表示财的成语有哪些 形容喜悦开心的成语 求一首爱情的诗句,其中带有情人节快乐廉敏淇连成一句 形容战斗非常激烈的成语有哪些? 跟,楼字有关的四字成语 描写大街的句子 无题李商隐千古名句 马云的人物简介? 怎样用Hibernate实现一对多非主键关联 你听过最美的高考祝福语是什么? 描写竹林的句子有哪些?