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日期:2021-07-08 16:12:43



Try - 派伟俊/周杰伦
小派:You always have to do something
Just to show the world that you exist
So you try
You hope they'll see
If on this brand new day you'll look
On the bright side of the same old street
You will see
What you deserve
Jay:Let's go
合:La la la la la la la la la
Jay:You just have to try
To be who you are
And you ought to fly
Step into the light
小派:And soon you will find
Be yourself
Somewhere deep inside
There's a universe right there waiting to be unlocked
The key lies in looking into yourself
Jay:Oh Try try try try
Just do what is right
You'll fly so high
Let go of the brakes
Be who you are
Be yourself 'cause your power is on
合: When you believe in what you've got
You know you're perfect just be who you are
小派:So they don't see what you're made of
But I like you and I know they're wrong
Now it's time
To show them what you got
Let the blue skies cheer you on
Embrace the wind we'll ride along
You're perfect when you're who you are
合:La la la la la la la la la
小派:You just have to try
To be who you are
Jay:And you ought to fly
Step into the light
小派:And soon you will find
Be yourself
Somewhere deep inside
There's a universe right there waiting to be unlocked
The key lies in looking into yourself
Jay:Oh Try try try try
Just do what is right
You'll fly so high
Let go of the brakes
合: Be who you are
Be yourself 'cause your power is on
When you believe in what you've got
You know you're perfect just be who you are
小派:You just have to try
To be who you are
Jay:And you ought to fly
Step into the light
小派:And soon you will find
Be yourself
Somewhere deep inside
There's a universe right there waiting to be unlocked
The key lies in looking into yourself
Jay:Oh Try try try try
Just do what is right
You'll fly so high
Let go of the brakes


  • 周杰伦Try歌词

    尝试中文歌词好像还真没看到哎Try - 派伟俊/周杰伦(《功夫熊猫3》电影全球主题曲)中文词:方文山英文词:冼佩瑾曲:派伟俊小派:You always have to do somethingJust to show the world that you existSo you tryYou hop

  • 周杰伦最美的歌词

    虽然一直觉得周杰伦唱歌吐字已经不清晰到了一定的境界,不过对于他的歌的歌词,却还是比较喜欢,有很多还很美。1. 最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。——《不能说的秘密》2. 也许时间是一种解药,也是我现在所服下的毒药。——《彩虹》3. 我一路向北,离开有你的季节,你说你好累,已无法再爱上谁


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