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日期:2021-03-31 22:24:58

Hello my friends, today I see you all here, I naturally remebered the same time when I was where you are listening to an elder guy discribing a life which I had never experienced but have dreamed of for a long time.
Well, tell you what life here is not all about good. Sure, you have the freedom to do whatever you like, but make it certain that you can do it.
Last term, two ner fellows tried to plant some peach trees in their dorm, they hope they could have peach of their own to welcom you, his younger schoolmates. But the trees attracted too many insects and never fruited.
Here you stand now, don't be nervous, in the following four years, you'll be able to carry out the experiment of your life, you can transform yourself. It's totally new environment and totally new beginning. So whether your trees will fruit this year doesn't matter, it's the tree of your zest of youth, its biggest fruit won't come out here, it'll come out when you are out in the society alone, that day you'll be able to see what exactly is college, what exactly you have got from your education in the college.
But before that, enjoy each day.
May you have four nice years
HEllo, everyone! Welcome to our school.My name is xxx. I am very happy to meet you. Becase this is my first time to talk with foreigners. So I have a little nervous and exciting.

Ok, let's talk about the schedule for the trip.(具体安排大概讲讲)

So if you have any problems, please contact to me directly. And I will try my best to help you for everything.

At last, I really hope you will have a great memory in our country.

关于开头那里everyone 可以改为 respected doctor xxx and xxx and every students.

Well, the first place I suggest that you visit is the Great Wall, the longest wall in the world, which is said to be one of the wonders in the world. It has a history of more than twenty centuries. It is amazing to see such a huge wall was made entirely by hand.
The other place worth visiting is the Palace Museum, which was built in 1406. Twenty-four emperors once lived there. from there the ruling emperors issued orders. You can learn a lot about Chinese history by visiting this Palace.
What a pity that you can't stay longer, otherwise, you could visit many other historic places and beautiful scenes such as Summer Palace, Bei Hai park.. and so on.

welcome to our school.first,allow me to introduce myself to you,my name is XXX,the president of student union .it would be our honnor to lead and conduct you around the school.our school have a long historical standing and is one of the most famous school in the provience.there are 4000 students in the school and the teacher there are kind and nice.there is one lab,one big library, two playgrounds in the school.now,the representatives will show you around the school and later we will have dinner together with our school's pressident. thanks for coming and enjoy your visit here.


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