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电影海洋奇缘插曲大全 英文插曲歌曲有哪些

日期:2020-08-27 15:21:56

If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it.
I am moana ,我也听了好几首,后来发现前面她奶奶唱的,中间开始才是她唱的

Marit Larsen - The Chase

When the leaves fell down you were my lover

Winter taught me you my friend
When the spring came around I'd often wonder
Will the summer bring you back again

But now I know

With you it's about the chase

You're not getting anything from me

With you it's about the chase

You're not getting anything from me

I try to find a new direction

You wait on every corner turned
But the minute I ask your attention
You turn on your heels and I get burned

At least I know

At least I know
With you it's about the chase

You're not getting anything from me

With you it's about the chase

You're not getting anything' getting anything' getting anything from me

I dream that I know as much as you (With you it's about the chase)
Still every path it leads me back to you (With you it's about the chase)
It's like a disease I get ill (It's like a disease)

I know it's not easy
But it's easy to tell

It's easy to tell

It's easy to tell

With you yeah (With you it's about ) (With you it's about )

With you it's about
With you it's about the chase (It's about the chase)
You're not getting anything from me

With you it's about the chase (the chase)

You're not getting anything getting anything getting anything today

With you it's about the chase


用无论......从来没......造句 徐志摩和张爱玲有什么关系吗? 形容“气势大”的诗句有哪些? 谁能帮我写一个我爱 张则琳 关于的7夕节日的诗句字数别太多就... 一百条裙子,300字读后感怎么写 关于雪梅的成语 有什么词语是形容春天的美? 搜集鼓励人艰苦奋斗,积极向上的名言警句 中国历史故事读后感 形容跑步非常快的四字词语 关于安全的祝福语(成语) 林俊杰新专辑<<JJ林俊杰100天>>歌的歌词 用繁华造句 形容“很孤独”的词语有哪些? 用巧夺天工和能工巧匠造句. 形容开头重要的名人名言 用日新月异造句 教师节的名言、古诗 形容消息的成语 钱学森即便在国外也时刻想着报效祖国,由此我想到了顾炎武的名言 已经造句 表示吃饭快的四字成语是什么 我想做一个QQ炫舞的舞团宣传片 自己做的 要用什么软件才能做... 《宿舍文明》600字作文 凝聚力的近义词 企业节能减排措施 写人外貌的成语有哪些 100字左右的说说 描写白酒的句子有哪些? 形容英雄人物品质的成语 关于爱情的成语故事 描写关于声音的好词好句 描写春描写春树的句子 我喜欢的女孩子叫邵灿,求一个QQ个性签名 帮我找一些悲伤的日志、歌、说说、个性签名什么的都行,只要是悲... 什么国什么什么的成语 带死和归字成语有哪些 和虎有关的成语 什么的勇气填成语 形容叶子很绿的词语有哪些? 朝花夕拾好句摘抄 校运动会班级入场口号!高分悬赏!!! 童谣大全 用其实怎么造句? 感人的爱情诗句 形容“兴头很足”的成语有哪些? 与趋势有关的词语 求签名设计带书写过程 一笔签 名字 杜子晨 谢谢 .com 现在人人都有手机 写给初中生的对联 在外面打工,这边都是老家的人,朋友说我一会家乡话,一会普通话... 耐得住寂寞的经典语录 现在网上的笑话都不怎么好笑,求二十条搞笑的笑话 我在qq空间发了说说为什么个性签名也变成了说说的内容、 美国电影《怦然心动》百度云 最好是作文)词语15... 形容向前的成语有哪些? 好听的情话都有那些? 形容未来的美好生活词语 一段描写烟花爆竹的排比句!!!!! 用一个比一个大造句 用“人山人海”造句 《平凡的世界》,好词好句 求春夏秋冬的成语各20个 5句名言 10句歇后语 为什么孩子读了很多书,还是不会写作文 有哪些 预防艾滋病的宣传口号? 写人的名家散文,800字左右 春天与冬天的景物描写句子