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日期:2020-08-14 00:36:46

India develops world's cheapest "laptop" at $35

"Saw" movie franchise to get Guinness world record
EU proposes 'black boxes' for buses and taxis
The real cost of being single: Going it alone costs £250,000
'Psychic' octopus picks Julia Gillard as Australian federal election winner
[ 2010-07-19 14:41 ]
Significant progress on AIDS vaccine
[ 2010-07-16 14:34 ]
Asians most likely to shop with a 'click'
[ 2010-07-15 11:10 ]
日首相夫人出书 麻辣点评菅直人
Japan's first lady tells of home life
[ 2010-07-23 15:01 ]
Music can boost language skills
[ 2010-07-23 09:10 ]
欧洲调查:英国人最爱笑 波兰人最严肃
Britons are smiles ahead in Europe's happy league
[ 2010-07-22 09:24 ]
Third of women are earning more than their men and are main breadwinners at home
[ 2010-07-21 09:18 ]
Argentina legalizes gay marriage
[ 2010-07-16 15:22 ]
Life on Earth wiped out every 27 million years
[ 2010-07-16 08:47 ]
Scientists in Britain close to cracking chicken-egg puzzle
[ 2010-07-15 15:14 ]

Man marries pillow

World biggest house of cards

Car runs on coffee

US cardboard boat regatta

'Baby' robot developed

Belarus fights beauty drain

Indian 'Rubber Man' most flexible

Meat-free day in Taiwan

Jennifer Aniston launches her fragrance at Harrods in London

[ 2010-07-22 15:37 ]

I always avoid you, so I missed you,
1.At least 300 people died and many others were buried under the debris after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit northwest China's Qinghai Province early Wednesday.
2.Stunning models at motor show in Thailand
3.Nuclear Security Summit ends with communique, work plan
4.US firm Avon suspends staff for kickbacks
5.Beijing-Fuzhou bullet train canceled because of low popularity
6.India develops world's cheapest "laptop" at $35
7."Saw" movie franchise to get Guinness world record
8.EU proposes 'black boxes' for buses and taxis
9.The real cost of being single: Going it alone costs £250,000
10.'Psychic' octopus picks Julia Gillard as Australian federal election winner
11.Significant progress on AIDS vaccine
12.Asians most likely to shop with a 'click'
13.Japan's first lady tells of home life
14.Music can boost language skills
15.Britons are smiles ahead in Europe's happy league
16.Third of women are earning more than their men and are main breadwinners at home
17.Argentina legalizes gay marriage
18.Life on Earth wiped out every 27 million years
19.Scientists in Britain close to cracking chicken-egg puzzle
20.Germany, Spain leaders hold talks over fiscal crisis
21.Wildfire, flooding continue to plague Australia
22.Russia urges Japan to respect Kuril islands´ sovereignty
23.Thailand and Cambodia exchange fire for a fourth day
24.South Sudan Referendum results announced: All in favor of separation from the north
25.Internet, communications disrupted in Cairo ahead of mass protest
26.Train collision kills at least 10 in eastern Germany, probe underway
26.Japan´s auto exports rise 16.7% in Dec. on year, leap 33.8% in 2010
27.Jennifer Aniston launches her fragrance at Harrods in London
28.U.S. soldiers mistakenly shot four Iraqi civilians, killing one, during operations against al Qaeda militants, the U.S. military said on Tuesday
29.August 5 to August 25 during which continuous high temperature in Nanjing.
30.Chinese President Hu Jintao meets with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 1, 2010
31.The most volatile volcano eruptions in central Java in Indonesia have killed 38 people and forced about 70,000 people take shelter, officials said on Monday.
32.Breakthrough in Chile mine rescue Rescuers have drilled through to the underground chamber where 33 Chilean miners have been trapped since August.
33.The governor of the northern Afghan province of Kunduz has been killed along with at least 14 others in a bomb blast at a mosque, officials say.
34.Premier Wen addresses 6th China-European Union Business Summit in Brussels.
35.China's second lunar probe completes first braking
36.European plot directed by senior al Qaeda leader
37.Taliban attacks NATO supply trucks in Pakistan
38.US will issue travel warning for Americans in Europe
39.Chinese premier arrives in Athens on three-day official visit
40.Nigeria independence celebrations marred by blasts
41.Chinese leaders present flowers to heroes' monument on National Day
42.Ecuador army frees President Correa from hospital siege.
43.About 16,654 people evacuated after Thai-Cambodian border clash
44.East China wheat basket braces for worst drought in 200 years
45.Mainland visitors travel in Taiwan during Spring Festival
46.US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Injured in Shooting Spree
47.Japan´s foreign exchange reserves fall for 3rd straight month in Jan.
48.Italy´s parliament denies request to search PM´s offices
49.North, south Sudan relationship enters new phase amid challenges
50.EU leaders meet to thrash out comprehensive plan to fight debt crisis

1、医生警告:把喷嚏憋回去 可能引发身体损伤

Don’t hold in a sneeze, warn doctors. It could be the death of you.


China exam tests students on teacher names.


China fights the rise of 'love insurance'.


Macron wants French baguette to get UNESCO heritage status.

5、小红莓乐队主唱桃乐丝去世 你一定听过她的歌

Cranberries singer Dolores O'Riordan dies suddenly aged 46.


The 7 worst mistakes you can make during a career change.


9 résumé mistakes that make you look less qualified, less impressive, and less intelligent than you really are.


Is this the best time to be productive?


The most commonly misunderstood symbols revealed.


写月亮和星星的成语 要中英 爱不释手造句 恋爱回忆录 歌词 请快回答 怎么形容农村人 如果谁虚度光阴 关于雨优美环境描写句子大全 作文别样的风景 关于青春励志的句子 关于友情的名言警句最好的5条 用一句话欢迎新员工来我公司上班 是主题 描写景色优美的成语 赞扬敬业奉献、坚持的人的句子有哪些? 用春暖花开,风和日丽,山清水秀,秋高气爽,寒冬腊月组合造句 成语什么然前往 有点创意的结婚邀请函怎么写 形容“很荒凉”的词语有哪些? 岑参的诗 探望病人红包如何写祝福语去探望病人红包上如何写祝福语 心情复杂”的成语是什么? 傲字开头的成语有哪些 形容让大家开心的成语 描写“灯光”的四字词语有哪些? 杨绛先生著作好段 描写春天美景、秋天丰收、冬天景色的词语有哪些? 要有恒心.的名言警句 形容女人有文化的词语 霸气四个字的成语 表示节日气氛人们高兴的成语有哪些? 古诗五言绝句大全 关于读书的作文500字 如饥似渴的意思是什么 才能获... 设计一条宣传语,呼吁低碳,环保 从语言表达的角度如何赏析句子? 求关于雨的现代诗,要有意境 表示“绿色”的词语都有哪些? 关于希望的句子有哪些? 中国会出现少子化吗 我们成立了一个项目管理学习小组,请各位帮忙想一个项目管理学习... 写给闺蜜的18岁生日祝福语 急用 初一六班 的 班级誓言、班名、班训、口号 各要二十个! 谁给我弄一个个性签名关于: 爱情的,成熟的,情侣的, 和一个... 一个已婚男人每天都给一个女人发短信算是爱吗? 简单爱爱我所爱,是那个歌的歌词? 描写人性善良的句子 写春天的五首古诗 赞美勇敢的句子有哪些? QQ炫舞中更改名字时怎么弄空格? 繁星闪烁造句? 严什么什么重的成语 形容女人很妩媚的句子 照句子把下面的话写具体 形容行车快的成语 为什么古人的名字有“字”?“字”是什么意思,代表什么? 形容老师上课的词语 形容女性的修饰词 关于时间流逝快的成语 英语中表达情感的常用句子 描写绿色的词语有哪些? 形容玩得很开心很疯狂的成语 好听的优美短语 莎士比亚关于追梦的名言 描写天气寒冷的成语和四字词语有哪些 关于珍惜时间的名言 帮我想一些窝心的句子让人一看感动 找七岁生日祝寿词