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日期:2020-08-13 15:12:31

Personal characteristics

I personality earth and steady, thoughtful, optimistic, love and dedication, good character, decency, hard, and very good with people and strong execution

I am aware of the international trade in General, with international trade knowledge, familiar with the company all kinds of regulations, laws, international perspective.

In the face of customers, I am able to quickly grasp the client's psychological, and in a short time to make appropriate business judgments. Especially in countries with different customers to communicate in the language I can understand and appreciate cultural difference in the cognitive differences, although both sides were satisfied with the maximum likelihood, which is very important negotiations

I very much agree with your "talent enterprises, "the concept. Hope to complete the work, to learn the knowledge and experience, improve their quality and ability for the company to contribute more forces.

I can guarantee compliance with company rules and regulations, remind themselves of their activities should comply with moral standards, for themselves, and the customer is responsible for the company, with the overall situation.

I will work actively with other colleagues and departments, good communication and cooperation within the maximum extent feasible, the use of strength of the team to complete the work.

Enterprise Reform and Innovation is an important part of Evergreen, I will try the process at work to absorb more information, try to change the individual's mindset, breaking limitations of more suitable, more in line with the concept of enterprise development initiatives and processes For the development of enterprises to do their modest means.


【Patriotism of “Every man shares a responsibility for the fate of his country.”】;
【Civil-oriented thought of “The people are the foundation of the state and the state will serve its people.” and “The people are valuable, while the king is light.”】;
【Universal ethics of “ Never impose upon others what you dislike yourself.”】。


  • 跪求翻译一句话为英文

    Personal characteristicsI personality earth and steady, thoughtful, optimistic, love and dedication, good character, decency, hard, and very good with


急需一个团干培训活动的开场白和结束语~~~!!!主题是“因为... 俗语五句 求几句唯美的名人名言,要有出处的 摘抄好的记叙文的开头结尾 描写刻苦努力学习的词语有 形容速度很慢的成语是什么? 关于说普通话和写规范字的资料 求一篇 创业是一种精神 的作文 写什么个性签名才能表达这种想... 欢快地怎么造句 少于十个字的名言警句 形容奔跑速度快 句子 速度 好的加分 环字开头的成语有哪些 3.写诗句 (1).写“秋色”的 (2)写“秋声” 拍马屁有什么词语? 形容女孩子性格的成语 关于夏天的诗句 写一句喜欢的名言,并写出喜欢的理由 形容男人性格特点的词语 响彻霄 怎样用狐狸形容女人的身材呢,语句有点内涵 我国 历代思想家,教育家有关师德修养的内容有哪些 描写父亲的四字词语有哪些? 写出连续的两句与桥有关的诗词名句 描写心情高兴的好句子 形容人心情失落的成语 霸气冷血的古风句子 看图猜成语一个慌里面有个天猜什么 关于学问的名言警句 经典语录 本人要求是有深度内涵,不要那些低俗的 学校环保标语 要幽默 下雨的谚语或俗语 冯巩小品返乡中的经典台词 怎么能说一句话就让男朋友珍惜你? 不超过8字的名言名句大全 关于“科技”的四字词语(10个)和句子(5个)有哪些? 形容读书辛苦的成语读书辛苦吗 关于珍惜时间的名言警句十句 《夏洛的网》夏洛在网上织了哪几个词急急急急急急急急急急急急急... 春节七字对联,春节七字对联大全 小学生励志座右铭 形容胆子大的成语 我想学厨师 去哪啊? 求有关青春励志的名人名言 餐饮服务行业标语 关于过年的古诗词 圣诞节天气,环境气氛描写的英语句子,最好是从小说中节选的,长... 江雪是唐代诗人柳宗元的作品诗中描绘的雪景句子是孤舟蓑笠翁独钓... 朋友结婚应该说些什么 婚礼创意祝福语大全 求《巴黎圣母院》中一些较重要或经典情节的主要内容,越全越好 要一首爱国主义题材的古诗 关于爱情相思的古诗句 描写景色的古诗有哪些? 形容男子 诗句 形容“很搞笑”的成语有哪些? 描写“优美景色”的诗句有哪些? 2015到2016好书推荐 含有褒义词的四字词语有哪些 带有武器名称的成语 寒假读书计划二百字 最有个性的个性签名,关于处女座的(多几条) 描写“早上看日出天闻”的诗句有哪些? 关于“重承诺讲信用”的名言警句有哪些? 有哪些关于秋天的诗句 带“花”字的四字成语有哪些? 婚礼上吉祥语不吉祥的数字 描写动物外貌的句子大全 下面是“成语之最”的趣解,请照样子写出各条成语 最昂贵的稿...