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日期:2020-07-08 19:57:09

be said/be supposed/be believed/be thought/be known/be reported + to do(要做)/to be doing(正在做)/ to have done (做完了)
It's hoped that… 人们希望……
It's thought that… 有人认为……
It's ordered that… 已下令……
It's supposed that… 据推测……
It's well known that… 众所周知……
It's pointed out that… 需要指出的是……
It must be admitted that… 必须承认的是……
1. Robert is said ______ abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in (NMET 1999)
A.to have studied B.to study C.to be studying   D.to have been studying
解析:动词不定式的完成式表示过去发生的动作,即study动作发生say之前,从后面studied所用过去时态可知这一事早已发生。所以须用to have done形式。表明:"据说罗伯特过去曾经在某个国家学习过,但我不知道是在哪个国家"。答案为A。
In fact, the London Stock Exchange is believed to have started from these coffeehouses. (必修1,P18)
It is/was said/reported/believed/thought/known/ considered …+that-clause 意为"据称/据说/据报道/大家认为/ 众所周之/ 人们认为……",这一句型中it 是形式主语,后面的that 从句是真正的主语。
1. People say/believe/think … that clause 和
sb be said/reported/thought/believed to do/have done sth…

It is reported that Cheng Yifei died several days ago.
The news reports that Cheng Yifei died several days ago.
Cheng Yifei is reported to have died several days ago.
It is thought that FIR is one of the best pop groups in China.
People think that FIR is one of the best pop groups in China.
FIR is thought to be one of the best pop groups in China.
It is believed that Henry stole the car.
People believe that Henry stole the car.
Henry is believed to have stolen the car. 人们相信小汽车是亨利偷的。
顺便 把据说 这种词的写法也告诉你,记得作文的时候用上去哈

English people have many sayings about the weather.英国人(最好是British,不要写english)有很多关于天气的说法 Perhaps this is because English people talk about the weather a lot.大概是因为英国人经常聊起天气 English weather is hard to predict, so there are many sayings that are supposed to help you decide what the weather will be like.英国的天气很难预测,下面是一些可以帮助你推断天气如何的说法 Many of them are about the possibility of rain.大多数是关于下雨的几率 It rains a lot in England. 英国多雨 When it rains, many young children sing: Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day! Little Johnny wants to play, Rain, rain, go away.当下雨的时候,孩子们会唱起童谣“ 雨啊雨啊别下啦!改天再来吧!小强尼要出门玩!雨啊雨啊别下啦!”
So, how can you tell if it is going to rain?所以呢,怎么判断是否会有雨呢? Here are a few sayings to help you这是一些可以供你参考的谚语: Red sky in the morning Shepherd’s warning. Red sky at night, Shepherd’s delight. (这个我翻译成中国谚语了)朝霞不出门,晚霞行千里。
(This rhyme also works if you replace shepherds with sailors. Anyone working outdoors would be glad if it did not rain!) 这个句子如果将牧羊人换成水手一样押韵,如果晴天的话,所有外出活动的人都会十分高兴。
Other sayings include: 其他的谚语有
Rain before seven; fine before eleven. 七点前下雨,十一点前结束A sunshiny shower won’t last half an hour. 太阳浴最多也就半个小时!
Perhaps, of all weather sayings, this one is the truest (although it is very difficult to say).也许所有的谚语中,这个是最具说服力的 It is a tongue twister.很饶舌哦 It is meant to be difficult to say quickly就像绕口令一样, and makes a joke of the fact that ‗weather‘ and ‗whether‘ sound the same. 而且利用了同音不同字的梗
Whether the weather be fine
Or whether the weather be not whatever the weather We’ll weather the weather Whether we like it or not! 不管这天气你喜欢不喜欢,反正我是喜欢了!

the modestly educated 仅受过一般教育的人

the young 青年 the old 老年

the poor 穷人 the rich 富人

the sick 病人
2. the + 分词形容词——表示某一类型的人
Times are hard for the unemployed. 失业者的日子很难熬。
Many of the wounded died on their way to hospital. 许多伤员死在去医院的途中了。
the wounded 伤员 the injured 伤员 the killed 被杀者 the employed 被雇用者 the unemployed 失业者 the accused 被告 the learned 有学问的人 the aged 老年人 the missing 失踪的人 the living 活着的人


awake 是“醒着”,或者‘没睡’的意思。“I'm awake" 就是 "我醒着”。

awake 等于‘Not asleep’。比如。。
He's not asleep 可以用 He's still awake 来形容。

还有,没有'a awake boy'的用法,只有‘The boy is awake’。不过 awake 有时候可能是形容词。

在这个句子里,awake 就是一个形容词:

He lay awake thinking about the events that occurred today.


  • 英语高手进

    be said/be supposed/be believed/be thought/be known/be reported + to do(要做)/to be doing(正在做)/ to have done (做完了)拓展:类似的句式还有Its hoped that… 人们希望……Its th


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