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日期:2020-05-04 15:46:17

掌握一套好的学习方法对我们的外语学习是非常有用的,它往往能起到事半功倍的作用.我认为,首先,兴趣是最好的老师,我们应当对英语学习产生浓厚的兴趣,才不会觉得学习外语是件枯燥乏味的事情.同时,我们还应具有坚强的意志和充分的信心,才不会在学习的路上因为遇到困难而气馁放弃. Grasps a set of good study method to our foreign language study is extremely useful, it often can play the twice the result with half the effort role.I believed that, first, the interest is best teacher, we must have the strong interest to English study, only then cannot think the study foreign language is an arid tasteless matter. At the same time, we also should have the strong will and the full confidence, only then cannot because of meet difficultly on the study road is discouraged the giving up. 在平时生活学习中,我们有许多途径来获取外语知识和提高能力.例如充分利用网上学习软件,在网上订阅E-mail杂志,可以定期收到学习资料,可以上网收听在线英文广播.平时,我们可以多阅读英文简写版的世界名著或小说,散文等等. In usually lives in the study, we have many ways to gain the foreign language knowledge and to sharpen ability. For example uses on the net to study the software fully, subscribes the E-mail magazine on-line, may receive the study material regularly, may access the net listens to the online English broadcast. Usually, we may read English to write in simple form the version the world famous work or the novel, prose and so on. 还可以多读英文报纸,听大量有声英文读物,多查阅英英字典……这样才能在脑海中形成英语思路,在不知不觉中提高学习兴趣,掌握新的能力.当你学习疲倦时不妨转变学习方法,这样会让你学习的轻松有趣. Also may read English newspaper, listens to have the English reading material massively, consults the English England dictionary ......This can form English mentality in the mind, enhances the study interest in unconscious, grasps the new ability. When you study wearily might as well transforms the study method, like this can let you study with ease interesting.

I think it is important for everyone to learn English well.
Firstly, if you can speak English, you can do business with foreigners and earn more money.
Secondly, you can make more friends if you can speak English. That will bring you more happiness.
Thirdly, you can get high scores in your English exams if you learn English well, which will please your parents and English teacher.
Fourth, if you learn English well, you can go to study abroad. Then you’ll be able to gain more knowledge and learn about Western cultures and customs, and absorb the best of both Western and Chinese education, which will be of benefit to you in the future.
Finally, if you learn English well, you can get a better job and a higher salary. That means you can enjoy a better quality of life.
From the above points, you can see the importance of learning English. Therefore, work hard at learning English.


  • 求一篇关于英语学习方法的英语短文

    掌握一套好的学习方法对我们的外语学习是非常有用的,它往往能起到事半功倍的作用.我认为,首先,兴趣是最好的老师,我们应当对英语学习产生浓厚的兴趣,才不会觉得学习外语是件枯燥乏味的事情.同时,我们还应具有坚强的意志和充分的信心,才不会在学习的路上因为遇到困难而气馁放弃. Grasps a set of


描写“春天花草”的四字词语有哪些? 名言名句大全10字以下 形容孤独的成语有哪些, 关于团结互助的名言警句 坚持不懈 描写花草的四字词语有哪些? 形容海水的词语 珍惜时间的名言警句? 人一生中必看的中外名著有哪些? 关于励志的个性签名 赞美爱情的古诗词 描写雨大的诗句 张爱玲10大经典爱情名言语录评点 形容阴阳的诗句 星期六,小明和爷爷一块去看琼剧,琼剧演员精彩的表演使小明想到... 关于夏天的好词好句好段 藤本月季哪个品种好,贵点也不怕 经典名人名言? 好句子15字内的,多一点约100个就可以了 描写夏天的四字词语有哪些 形容马上要下雨的句子有哪些? 写一篇关于爱情的英语作文 有关三峡的散文 带有桃花一词的古诗? 形容雪下很大的成语 世界上最经典的名人名言有哪些 婚纱摄影广告词 关于亲情的排比句子有哪些? 与眼睛有关的成语有哪些? 名著中的好词好句!(长一点) 关于荷花,梅花,风,雪,雨的诗句各两句急!先谢谢! 有关天气的英语作文要翻译(五年级) 6字以内的名人名言50句 形容山中风景优美的句子 表示非常非常开心的四字成语 求一篇描写荷花的高中作文,600字以上 抒写“爱国情怀”的古诗词名句有哪些? 我国古代有哪些表达爱情的诗或词 鲁迅先生有哪些关于珍惜时间的名言 形容老年人身体好的成语有哪些? 一、 请通过脑筋急转弯,写出各条成语 “滴答滴答”表示声音的词语,比如哗啦哗啦,还有什么词语 日语中,两个形容词同时修饰名词,如果是修饰过去的状态时 描写大雪的诗句 古诗 求关于雨的唯美诗句或句子 关于珍惜时间的名言警句有哪些? 关于爱情的句子 描写“自然景物”的四个字的词语有哪些... qq个性签名大全 但不是伤感的 也不是关于爱情的? 有没有古代描写关于青春的诗词或者句子? 最好要好听的 ipad或iPhone怎么把qq网名改成空白啊 形容人很严肃的成语 阿拉伯语侯赛因签名 形容母亲辛苦的词语有哪些? 表示最大的决心的诗句或名言有哪些? 形容看了就害怕的成语 30篇100字美文摘抄 写成语天天更新,月月不同形容进步、发展很快,不断出现新面貌 描写阴天的二字词语有哪些? 比喻的句子有哪些? 形容公园美景的好词语 世界上往往把哪项作为评价一个国家或地区的环境质量的标准 关于韵秋的诗文 关于认真学习的成语 形容春雨的词语? 形容手艺好的成语 关于母爱的名人名言,或者是一些资料,越多越好~