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帮忙翻译英文 李尔王读后感

日期:2021-05-13 22:54:07

"King Lear" • William Shakespeare is one of the four major tragedies, described the King Lear-old desire of the territory assigned to three daughters, the eldest daughter Koumifujian daughter Goneril and Regan won Chongxin and carve up its territory, daughter Cordelia because not merit flattery and nowhere. The French king to marry him (king of France) spot them, married to the Queen's Tiliya test. King Lear-vitro, the daughter and two daughters, was not to their accommodation, then the king had to Huangjiaoshuwai…… test Tiliya led scoring, father and daughter reunited. But the war unfavourable test Tiliya was killed, King Lear abandon the beloved daughter of the dead bodies to grief.
King Lear described the character flaws - vanity.
King Lear禀性selfish and I feel sharp, and also because of the status and living habits relations and deepen these character. He dignitaries love him, but this can not be achieved simply over-exaggerated desire, first, because of his concerns, suspicion and jealousy. Second, the status of self-opinionated and asked him to the desire to do love demands the right to love, a little is unsound, his self-esteem to be harmed, the issue is the key to the overall situation, in fact, is King Lear So mad, but just turn around and bite them after the shamed into anger.




故事中许许多多的现在在我们的生活中也是屡见不鲜的. 在我们身边的官场里,职场里!为了得到满足自己利益的溜须拍马的小人随处可见,然而所谓的领导就喜欢这样的小人,有多少刚步入社会的正义学子们,被这种风气“感化了”,最终改变了自己立志已久正义之梦.不知道这是因为现在的社会风气造成的还是这就是人的本性。另一方面,都说养儿防老,可是又有多少的老人被自己的儿儿女女女抛弃,又有多少为了争夺家产的亲兄弟,最后反目成仇! 都说好人有好报,可又有多少好人得到了好报?还不是有许多坏人逍遥法外!

也许莎士比亚正是没有能力去改变这种现象,才用纸和笔去批判. 很多人都说这篇文章些的好,可又有多少人从中感悟到了它的真谛, 又有多少人认识了自己的错误与不足?又有多少人在认识自己的不足与错误后改变了自己.

表演的《李尔王》真实、准确。他在演出中追求念白的非生活化,呈现出诗的韵律,具有震撼人心的力量。演出以真实表现荒诞,使观众从现实中感受到象征的力量,不仅是个人的命运,而是人类的命运和世界的前途。戏剧话语的最大特点在于把情境直接展现出来,而不是通过别人叙述,而这种情境的展现主要依靠的就是呈现在舞台上的台词语言。李尔的台词经过周野芒的锤炼,似珍珠光芒四射,他的台词经过精心提炼是极其讲究的艺术语言,具有强烈的审美感。这种审美感知是 “艺术家的心灵所赋予这些对象的形式”。听他念词,清晰洪亮,跌宕有致,富于强烈的韵律感,加上莎翁台词本身具有的诗意,使他的台词达到朗诵化的境界,也有浓郁的戏曲“韵白”的味道,由于观念与形象达到了和谐一致,美的感受就产生了。在“风暴”一场,周野芒以深厚的底气,超人的力度,发出“吹吧,风呵,猛烈地吹吧!”的呼喊,使全场观众感到震撼。然后,大段独白,一气呵成,字字句句都像携带着雷电。既体现了莎剧的原作精神,又相当完美地塑造了具有东方文化特色中国李尔这个复杂人物。

The mouth of honey, the heart will be the sword - "King Lear" Book

"King Lear" was written in about 1605, based on an old British folk legend widely known, is one of Shakespeare's four major tragedies. The story is old昏聩, opinionated, look no knowledge of King Lear to land to the eldest daughter of hypocrisy Lu Gan, second daughter贡纳莉, but honest and straightforward kind of girl will not please the father pediatric first-li Xia deported to foreign countries. Article Lixia Branch was forced to run away from home and love her to the French King of France. King Lear himself to retain only the king's chamberlain 100尊号and ready to take turns living in the home of two daughters age. Two daughters谁料purpose原形毕露later, the father from the home, King Lear who suffered back and forth. That the youngest daughter of King Lear's tragic experience, two sisters raised an army crusade, unfortunately failed, and finally captured含恨自刎, King Lear is mad grief of the dead. Of course, the fate of the two daughters is bad sad.

King Lear this foolish old King false, because the heart of their own vanity, his victims more innocent victims of that kind of girl Lixia pediatric section, it seems to us that he had been so deserve the consequences, is reaping what it has sown, so added back to the old age should be subjected to such treatment, said most of his life bitter fruit, and even worse is one of the most kind-hearted daughter also died in front of their own. But we have never thought he was a normal person, is the ordinary people like us, if he did not listen to young people's advice when the words and the truth, how can the throne on their own to do now, but also how can the management of their own country was the case? However, due to his usual high-ranking, long-term一呼百诺live in the palace, and surrounded by ingratiating themselves with each other to claim the credit of the people, all人或事turning him around to his likes and dislikes to likes and dislikes, to his right and wrong for right and wrong. Deep long years, he is like a drug addicts addicted, flatter and ingratiate himself in his life has become an indispensable necessity, can not be singing the praises of every moment.

When he lost the throne, power, going through all kinds of hardships, but the restoration of human nature and therefore, the lament of his death he was not obsessed with the momentum of the Sun Joseph, the emperor's authority, but to his expulsion had been cursed by his出宫small daughter, but he can not return her sleep in her heart was filled with enthusiastic and caring, and precisely because of these experiences, he learned the most valuable is not money, power and influence to buy the true feelings.

However, when the two daughters are sweet words to his pledges, he happily哄得time, but my daughter did not pediatric section Lixia like fawning flattery to him, not afraid to contradict him, So greatly his Hing, angry to youngest daughter out of their own country. Lixia小女pediatric first good-natured and innocent filial piety, and at the same time insisting she is impulsive, if only to know their own kind, what is the use of filial piety, with the understanding that his two sisters, is what's also why we can not at this a position to win in order to for their own father paved a way for it? To maintain their dignity and style is right, but people sometimes need to explain in words to others note, sometimes the role of words than action is much greater. She is also happy, because their own has been nothing but a sincere love her Langjun, this is not her two sisters can not have, she has been living in love and being loved. But at the same time she is impulsive, as were two sisters, father of the rapacious treatment of the crusade against them to send troops to the final failure of the insult and died in prison, this is not the impulse to do her? Heart can not bear their own good, it should also make sure the time you have a grasp of things, but she is not ready in its own perfect time to send troops to venture there again unbeaten truth.

King Lear's eldest daughter and second daughter, Lu Gan贡纳莉, not to mention a vicious, infidelity, unfilial, infidelity, ignorance of women, in order to drive the interests of their own elderly father, to his mind like Ronin and destruction of their homes, but also each other people's lives, until death do not know them like the same man is a vicious man, and he was just continuing to use them only, perhaps because they are the owners of land are and treatment of dependence, neglecting their husbands, and even scolded her husband is a coward, the two men poor, because the right to ruin the happiness of his life. They simply do not have a wife, much like a woman may be dead until they do not understand things a human!

The worst here, seeking the most advanced use of it should be said that the illegitimate child爱特Gross doors off, and to property, in order to better their own status is also a half brother of persecution, but also has been doing a great disservice to him when spoil the child for the father, which for him were not enough, even with their looks and sweet words to哄得all round, and ultimately there are two women because of his false and died in the hands of their own, and to his own Finally, nothing, but also put an end to its own. Villainous abominable that can be like him with a mask of the hypocrite villainous abominable更是比shown too much.

In fact, again, his hypocrisy is not caused by personal reasons, nor is he initially wanted, it is the surrounding environment he created has become such a person, precisely because he is an illegitimate child, so the surrounding He has the talent on a variety of names and treat impolite, he and Gross are both埃特加son off, but they are very different from the treatment, which resulted in him on the hypocrisy of a very heavy impact on and heart trauma, which it is his fault? Not entirely, the only other people and social injustice have nothing against him.

Gross off and hit and there are similarities between King Lear, he is as a credulous爱特door, then met the informant and爱特door lost their eyes, even though he lost his eyes, but he recovered his son of filial loyalty埃特加; Although he lost his eyes, but he was seen with two眼亮hearts, and not other people's appearance and then easily miss the others.

The moral of the story the most faithful, loyal people who are willing to be off the veteran, and his own mantra have been exiled King Lear, but he did not faint of King Lear and hatred careless, but not to leave The poor old king, he knew that King Lear was a good monarch, but too easy to be fooled by sweet words only, so the trouble to accompany him to his side, King Lear in the most difficult war displaced suffer when they are not left his step, even for the former and around the old King, good for him to help Lixia Branch section. It should be said that Ken is a smart and flexible from the people, he knows how to change their own, and finally saved the King's acquaintance with the little girl is thanks to him.

Although the story is the oldest in the world in the distant, but in real life we have far too many such examples. We all like to sweet talk the people, like praise words, in the end it is they do not harm us why! This is not exactly the conspirators to those who condemned口蜜腹剑it? In real life phenomena and the nature of appearance and often have very different, we can not lose the appearance of the phenomenon and the reason be the next King Lear, "Kim is not all光灿灿gold!"

And the hearts of every one of us has a good and evil, false and true concepts and standards, no one can be born to judge them, in real life is cruel, we can not, as the story of the book as a good outcome, We are all to go through these in order to really identify their good or bad, and we can not because their hearts desire and an inability to discern the reason, it is necessary to curb that sweet hi-loving, if not tasted the bitter taste of how can know the sweet taste of it?


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