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日期:2020-09-22 15:07:06

Help around the house
I always help around the house.I help my mother with her housework.I like do housework very much.My mom always say that I do a nice work both at school and home.And she is very proud of me.I think I am good at studies as well as houseworks.Whenever I have free time,I will do housework happily.I think it is important to help around house too.Do a housework equal to exercise one hour,I think.It can makes our body stronger and makes our house more clean.The last but not the least,If we helped at house,our mothers would get more relaxed.

Doing housework is part of our life. As a middle school student, I should do some housework for my parents. But what about other students? Here are the results of 100students. This pie chart suggest: 18% students often do housework. 26% students do housework sometimes. 56% students never do housework. The results for doing housework to my surprise. I think students should help their parents share the housework. In this way. They can feel parents is not easily. They should not depend on their parents. Because we are grow up already!

I would like to clean my bedroom when I am doing housework. first of all, I will wipe the floor. Then I will make the quilt and my clothes. At last I will washing my dirty clothes and my perents' . What a wonderful day! I think I can do help with my mom.
I can try my best to finish my daily life which can do my perents a great favor. I will be a good boy.


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