
位置:优美散文网 > 情感美文 > 急需15句英语新年祝福语!


日期:2020-06-02 06:34:00


Peace, and live happily ever after. And nations, and prosperity. Good luck and strive. And ease, youth. Wishing you happiness!


New Year, and to drink, and have dinner, less than to eat vegetables, reach, stand up, someone can play to depend on, worship, and come back!


Send your every day, all capable 888 everyday hair, send you 999, whole day, send you are rich, daily work not hard 555 everyday, do what you are, whatever 333 pass!


1 catty peanuts 2 jins, wish you good luck ran with, SiJin orange increment, financial catties rolled into your pocket, WuJin grapes LiuJin orange, may you wish it into, BaJin mango, wish you every ten catties of muggle music flowering.

304、 让我这份祝福跨过重重高山,掠过臭水沟闯过红绿灯,跳过大马路窜过小胡同,闪过卖冰棍的老太太,钻进你耳朵里:春节快乐!

Let my blessing across the mountains, ChouShuiGou through heavy traffic, skip boulevard passed through the lane, and passed the old lady selling Popsicle, into your ear: a happy Spring Festival!


Night has stars appear attractive, intelligent, there appears the billows winter snow feel romantic, friends you I am happy! The best wishes to you, happy New Year!


The voices of flowers in spring, the joy of feeling that the sincere heart, wish that you know. Wish a happy Spring Festival! People still, still, and year. Want to forget, too, this is ordinary, The son, and sincerely wish a better tomorrow, Affection is true, also cut, resident heart.


Wish you a happy Spring Festival! Life is sweet, sour, busy days, fate chien, contact the intermittent momently, caring, my blessing long long!


Find a lake water, catch some fish tail idle. Memory loss of life, the temperature, swim midgard, into a pot of first, a group of friends, though, laughter appears in human delightfully no choice, remember, don't tired, festival happiness!


Spring, spring to cut a beam is presented, and wish you good mood, prosperous, AnXia spring, good body, The literary attainment, work well, Springs, good luck. Full Wish you: everything!!


ZhuChunFeng wine, and altogether and calm. HuNian rolling JiangDongShui ferro wealth with laughter, and this year, with red flowers, my rabbit last year, recreation, take better.


Stars fall to 3 seconds, the moon rises, and the earth will one day in the year, want a revolution to 24 hours, love a person to life, but a sweet wishes as long as a second: happy New Year!


Wishing you happiness in 2011, gloating: unlucky and flicking, Good luck and elated, Art-house beautiful. Fortune voluminous, All those avenue.


Wish "xin" in happiness, "money" cheng "rich" like brocade, such as China, "thin" than nanshan!


Steamed fish, sweet and sour fish, boiled fish, pickled cabbage fish... Infinite joy, happiness, fish, wishing you a happy New Year! ""


A splendid neon, cutting and a cup of Chinese tea tasted nectar. Invite their friends and relatives, Nora injected. Autumn Igawa CiSui tigers, harvest moon calendar ChengXiang orientation. Wish you a happy Spring Festival!


Future, a long way, Worry is heavy, pimples, Affairs and numerous, slowly, Pleasure has a lot of, play, The Spring Festival, to get together, Relatives and friends, walk, Sunvo company is more magnificent, around. Congratulations to a happy holiday!


By thinking is warm, Blessed is happy, Prayer is the sacred by, Be blessed is safe. You are my thinking, bless and prayed, and bless with friends, wish you happy New Year!


Through the mountains, feet high and low, Has experienced many ups, or something, How much less than won, lost dribs and drabs, important is happy! Wish spring everything!!


The soft rain embellish beauty, good month circle, every day for a happy life with! Come and gone like smoke during life should try huan! "Treasure a word, peace, wish you happy New Year!


Years may shed memory, but not all our tun of laughter. I wish you a happy holiday, anlene!


Wish you good health and mood more, more and more beautiful! Life is more and more romantic! A happy holiday!


Good luck, good year to come early. Friends around you, happy smiles around! Flowers, birds to you to call you. A happy life again! Festival! Festival! Life is safe!


Spring blessed wish you a successful New Year satisfactory, things: make money. Play mahjong not blowing, happiness always ran off.

323、笑一笑,十年少。一笑烦恼跑,二笑怒憎消,三笑憾事了,四笑桃花到,五笑永不老,六笑乐逍遥,节到你在笑! 祝你春节开心笑!

Laughter is the best medicine. A smile, laugh troubles ran away wrath, three smile disgusting, four twenty-somethings peach to laugh, five and six smile smile never old music festival to you, smile! Wish your festival happy smile!


The blue sky floating snow shoes, beautiful, I met you naked feet is a myth, congratulation red envelopes, don't get into the panda.


I with warm, shuan Yang rou warm boiled fish, prawn, white-hot juicy meat, sweet goo old sliver and broad, hair, bless you and the bunches of happiness in the New Year, and good fortune


Sincere wish your family life kangxi, personality, shun zhi period, qing qianlong, career future, light, jiaqing xianfeng, internal and external stagnation, wealth and a thousand years guangxu period! New Year happy holidays!


Sincere wish your family life kangxi, personality, shun zhi period, qing qianlong, career future, light, jiaqing xianfeng, internal and external stagnation, wealth and a thousand years guangxu period! New Year happy holidays!


During the Spring Festival, to make a good family, worship before, 2 worship less difficult; Three troubles disappear; worship Four worship unchanged old; Five children worship the filial piety; Six worship happiness around; Bynum into sorrow; seven Eight worship; the income Nine worship peace cover; Ten worship music.


In order to hide your shadow, for in the autumn, I go to the lock. And now, at this time, I like to hear from lock her voice, happy New Year.

330、新年到,请点击快乐的音符,让它为你下载亲情,传输爱情 ,顺便将我的友情另存于你心灵的最深处,让你新年开心快乐!

Happy New Year to, please click on the notes, let it for you download affection, love, I will transmit way of friendship save in the depths of your heart, and let your happy New Year!

新年快乐!Happy New Year
马到成功!Win success immediately upon arrival
马上有钱!Get rich immediately
合家欢乐,万事顺利!A happy family,The entire family is happy, everything goes well

日常英语口语 祝福恭喜


1、I want to wish you longevity and health!愿你健康长寿!

2、Wishing you many future successes.祝你今后获得更大成就。

3、May everything beautiful and best be condensed into this card. I sincerely wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success.愿一切最美好的祝福都能用这张贺卡表达,真诚地祝你幸福、快乐、成功!

4、May the season''s joy fill you all the year round.愿节日的愉快伴你一生。

5、Season's greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!献上节日的问候与祝福,愿你拥有一个充满生机和欢乐的新年。

6、With best wishes for a happy New Year 祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。

7、Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year.


8、A happy New Year to you.恭贺新年。

9、I give you endless brand-new good wishes. Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.给你我无尽的新的祝福,让它们成为我们永恒友谊的新的纪念


  • 急需15句英语新年祝福语!

    300、岁岁平安,安居乐业。业和邦兴,兴旺发达。大吉大利,力争上游。游刃有余,青春永驻。祝你快乐!Peace, and live happily ever after. And nations, and prosperity. Good luck and strive. And ease, yout


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