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日期:2020-05-14 00:20:31

I have lots of hobbies and interests. I like playing sports, especially badminton. I will play badminton with my friends every Sunday. It strengthens my body and is good for my health. I am interested in collecting stamps, because from collecting them, I learn more about the world.

我有很多的兴趣和爱好。我喜欢做运动,尤其是羽毛球。每个星期天,我都会跟我的朋友一起打羽毛球。这令我的身体更加强壮而且很健康。 我对集邮很感兴趣因为从中,我对这个世界加深了认识。


英文:about me
Football in China

When I still was a small child, I have formed an unrealistic picture of my future life, I thought that I will become an excellent football player or become other sport player. I shall help China team fly out Asia and attend the world cup of FIFA to get illustrious achievement, so I shall owe my sky which like a sort of paradise. But with my growth, the other side of the picture appeared, furthermore it was quite the opposite. My life should be in an office instead of a football field. My former picture only is a dream which never come true. There is not an element of truth in the first picture, and it is unnecessary to have opportunity to find out. The China football is too disappointed to us!

In recent years, I only wish the China football team stay at the top grade of Asia longer. But it is impossible. The China football team just likes a badly damaged boat, but Korea, Iran and Japan like aircraft carriers. So China team has draggled out and away. The boat continually sinks and should have it repaired. Now they have fallen to be the third grade of Asia football scopes, and they so much as can not defeat Singapore team. The Australia team which nearly eliminated the powerful Italy team at the field of world cup has joined the Asia football scopes, but this does not prove to be problem. The Chinese football officer will instigate the Australia team join the Europe football scopes. Certainly the instigated countries include Korea, Iran, Japan and Singapore too. Hence, the China football team would be genuinely sorry that they would not appreciate the wonderful celebration action of the above teams for score when they have a match each other in a same field.





About me
关于about; on; concerning; with regard to; anenst
Whatever you may have heard about me from poets, I am really not a very romanticcharacter.


  • 关于我英文

    I have lots of hobbies and interests. I like playing sports, especially badminton. I will play badminton with my friends every Sunday. It strengthens


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