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日期:2021-06-19 17:39:33

My dear English teacher:
From my English, I will contact a deeply like English. English let me open view, let me understand the culture of different region amorous feelings to.
I want to use English freely and talk to people, but my spoken English is very bad.Language is a kind of habit, I find it hard to correct his poor pronunciation, this makes me very distressed, but I have worked very hard in the improved.
I feel that learning English is the key to read more look more, I like reading comprehension, it not only let me get some knowledge, but also let me realize the happiness of learning English, I feel very proud can read English article.
Thank you for teaching me. I believe in your teachings, I can certainly through their efforts to learn English well.
Best wishes for you!

My dear teacher:
  The teacher happy holidays,How time flies, the teachers'day is around the corner again!when I come to recalling my mamories,I remmenber the first time I saw you 2 years ago,when I was in Grade 7,I thought you must be very difficult to get along with because you were so strict with anything,but 2 years' communication proved that I was wrong,you are so kind,so easy to get along with in fact.2 years is still too short to let me think about more funny things.Now we are in the last term in Middle school,the last teachers'day in Middle school,I take this way to express my wishes to you,my dear teacher.
  In this life,many people will be here around me,such as teachers, classmates inculding everybody else.But I always treasure these moment.Although I realized that there's one day we must say goodbye,at least we have spent 3 years' happy time,during which we had a lot of fun.In spite of the fact that I made many mistakes these year,but the trustion you gave me I will never forget.
  Best wishes! Happy Teachers' Day!

Dear teacher
It is my honour to write to you.
I am xxx. In the past time, I (didn't like) learning english very much.
I cant understand what the teachers said on class. In fact, I want to learn
english very well,but I failed. I don't know the exact reasons. Maybe it is my
own fault. Maybe it is because the method of the teacher teaching. Well,
after you come to my class, the condition goes well. I become to like learning
english. I (have finished )all the homework you gave us. And in my free time, I
(am reading )some english articles. I hope my english level rises day after day.
I (am going to work) harder and harder. I( am going to be) a good student in
04 05
your eyes. Of course, all of my changes thanks for your teaching method. I
like your teaching method. I cant feel bored on your class once more
. Every words you said can go in to my heart. Sometimes, I think, if you
taught me before, I (had been ) a great student already, at least in english, I
(would be) a great student. Any way, I want to say.:Thanks very much ,my
dear teacher.
01: 一般过去时
02: 现在完成时
03: 现在进行时
06: 过去完成时
我是XXX。以前,我不是很喜欢学英语。因为我不明白老师在课堂上到底讲什么东西。实际上我想把英语学好,但是我失败了。我不知道问题到底出在那里。 是我自己的原因?还是老师的教学方法有问题?然而,当您来了我们班之后,情况就改变了。我变的喜欢学英语了。我已经完成了您布置给我们的作业。课余时间我都在看一些英文类的文章。我希望我的英语成绩一天比一天好。我在不断的努力努力在努力。我也要成为您眼中的好学生。当然,所有的这些进步,多亏了您的好的教学方法。我非常喜欢您的教学方法。在您的课堂上,我不会再感觉无聊。您说的每一句话,都能说到我心里去。有时侯,我在想,如果您早以前就教我了,那么我早就成为一个好学生了,起码英语方面是这样。无论如果,我只想说:谢谢您,我敬爱的老师。



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